Oil-Gas Table Descriptions

Dividing Line

Digitized/LAS Log
(data describing Digitized/LAS Logs available in the WVGES Digital Log Repository)

Field Name Description Column Type
Status MLC Status; regular entry (vertical) vs. deviated drilling or reassigned VARCHAR(37)
Overall Range of Digital Intervals (Measured Below The Surface Datum)
Log_Top    Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
Log_Bot    Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
Logs_Avail Logs Available* VARCHAR2(17)
Digitized Digitized Log Availability** VARCHAR2(1)
Individual Ranges of Digital Interval By Log Type (Measured Below The Surface Datum)
GR_Top    Gamma Ray Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
GR_Bot    Gamma Ray Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
D_Top    Density Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
D_Bot    Density Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
N_Top    Neutron Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
N_Bot    Neutron Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
I_Top    Induction Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
I_Bot    Induction Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
T_Top    Temperature Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
T_Bot    Temperature Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
S_Top    Sonic Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
S_Bot    Sonic Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
E_Top    Photoelectric Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
E_Bot    Photoelectric Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
O_Top    Other Top Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
O_Bot    Other Bottom Depth, Feet NUMBER(7,2)
KOP Kickoff Point, Feet (if not explicitly stated on the log) is interpreted depth NUMBER(5)
Elev_KB Elevation from Kelly Bushing, Feet NUMBER(4)
Elev_GL Elevation from Ground Level, Feet NUMBER(4)
Elev_DF Elevation from Derrick Floor, Feet NUMBER(4)
Log_Msrd_From Elevation Log Measured From, Feet NUMBER(4)
Deepest_FmL Deepest Formation Logged VARCHAR2(20)
Comment Comment (may include other types of logs available and other information) VARCHAR2(225)
* G = Gamma Ray
D = Density
N = Neutron
I = Induction
T = Temperature
S = Sonic
E = Photoelectric
C = Caliper
* = Log Other Than Listed Above
** Y = Yes; Item Is Available
N = No; Item Is Not Currently Available

Dividing Line

WVGES Main   "Pipeline"   Table Descriptions  

Page Last Revised:   Thursday, June 13, 2024 1:25:14 PM

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            West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
  Address:  Mont Chateau Research Center
            1 Mont Chateau Road
            Morgantown, WV  26508-8079
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