Example of Scanned Mine Map
Scanned images (in TIF format) of West Virginia mine maps now can be searched using our
Mine Information Database System (MIDS). You can find maps via drop-down lists of counties, quadrangles, coal beds and/or by entering company or mine names, permit numbers, or dates.
If you are already familiar with the application (knowing the 6-digit number of the document), proceed to the download site directly at
How to get help: If you don't know the mine map document number you need, you can download an index
in Microsoft® Excel format as a zip file from the West Virginia Office of Miners' Health Safety & Training:
https://minesafety.wv.gov/minemapcnty.zip. Supplemental indexes are available from
https://minesafety.wv.gov/historical-statistical-data/west-virginia-mine-map-archives/ Or you can also visit our
Interactive Coal Bed GIS site to obtain document numbers for some parts of the state. This service is made possible by cooperative efforts of the
West Virginia Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training and the
West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. Help is available from the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey at (304) 594-2331 or the West Virginia Office of Miners' Health, Safety, and Training at 304-558-1425.