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Selected Shale-Gas Resources

Maps and Stratigraphy  ♦  Marcellus Data Files  ♦  Horizontal Wells  ♦  Publications, Presentations, References


Maps and Stratigraphy:

Interactive Map

Selected map data are updated weekly;
specifically, Completed/Permitted Marcellus Wells and
Wells through top of Onondaga/equivalents with Digitized/Scanned Well Logs.

Marcellus Interactive Map

Download a Map pdf icon (PDF)

Data through 5/5/2023. This map is a layered, interactive PDF! Although you can view the PDF in a web browser, you will need Adobe Acrobat or the free Adobe Reader to turn on/off the individual layers.
Marcellus map

Detailed Stratigraphy: RI-35

Revised stratigraphic terminology for some Upper Devonian units.

web page image

General Stratigraphy

Correlation of Devonian Units

strat column image

Marcellus Data Files:

Downloadable Files

Downloadable files associated with Marcellus/Marcellus Interactive Map.

Marcellus Shale Wells - Completed, Permitted and Cancelled Episodes - Updated Daily

   (Last updated Thursday, February 06, 2025)
wells image
Download the Excel Workbook: WVGES Marcellus Wells.xlsx Excel icon   ~4.0 MB


This Excel workbook contains six spreadsheets with information about horizontal and vertical wells drilled to or through the Devonian Marcellus Shale in West Virginia. Sheets 1 through 4 contain a description of the data fields and the completed, permitted, and cancelled well files, respectively. The sheet of completed well data also contains annual gas and/or oil well production data as reported by operators since 2005, in addition to natural gas liquids since 2013. Vertical wells contain commingled production if zones in addition to the Marcellus have been completed. Sheets 5 and 6 have a description of the records and the data, respectively, with monthly well production data for gas, oil, and natural gas liquids. Well locations are in decimal degrees and UTM coordinates (NAD83, UTM Zone 17 north) for users who wish to create their own GIS shapefiles from the data.

Well Logs - Deep Wells (data through May 4, 2023)

wells image
Download Excel File, Scanned (Raster) Logs: WVGESScannedLogsOnondagaAndDeeper_05042023.xlsx Excel icon 702 KB
Download Excel File, Digitized (LAS) Logs: WVGESDigitizedLogsOnondagaAndDeeper_05042023.xlsx Excel icon  49 KB


Each Excel file contains a list of wells penetrating the top of the Onondaga Limestone/equivalent or deeper for which WVGES has scanned or digitized logs. The Marcellus may or may not be present or recorded on the log. An unconformity exists between the younger Rhinestreet black shale and the Onondaga Limestone in portions of Cabell, Mason, McDowell, Mingo, and Wayne counties; the Marcellus is thought to be missing in these areas (see Marcellus thickness map in Marcellus Interactive Map or downloadable Marcellus thickness files). Individual logs for the Onondaga/equivalent and deeper are available for free downloading through the interactive map application and at; the associated well data are available on our online "pipeline" data application at

Marcellus Thickness, Questionable Data Area, and Outcrop GIS Shapefiles and Additional Information

thickness image


Spatial Reference Properties: Projection=Mercator Auxiliary Sphere; Geographic Coordinate System=GCS WGS 1984. A .prj file with more details is bundled with .zip files.
Additional Information for Thickness Data: see WVGES Reports of Investigation 35, Lithostratigraphy of Middle and Upper Devonian Organic-Rich Shales in West Virginia

Top of Onondaga (~Base of Marcellus) Structure Contour, Fold, and Fault GIS Shapefiles and Metadata

onondaga image


Spatial Reference Properties: Projection=Transverse Mercator; Geographic Coordinate System=GCS North American 1983. A .prj file with more details is bundled with .zip files.

Horizontal Wells:

spreadsheet image
Download the Excel Workbook: WVGES Horizontal Wells.xlsx Excel icon, (824 KB)
Updated: Thursday, February 06, 2025
This Excel workbook contains data on horizontal wells drilled in West Virginia. The first spreadsheet in the workbook is a description of the data fields contained in the following two sheets: "Completed Horizontal Wells" and "Permitted Horizontal Wells". While most of the records in these files represent horizontal completions or planned horizontal completions in the Marcellus and Lower Huron shales, more than 17 other formations are also represented here.
Note: ''Operator Name'' is the operator who drilled the well or owned the well at time of completion. This may or may not be the same operator who reported production for the well, as the well may have been sold after it was completed. In the data sheets, zeroes represent values submitted by the operator as zero values, whereas blank (null) fields were not reported or submitted. The spreadsheet data are refreshed weekly to reflect updates added by staff to the database during the week. Latitudinal and longitudinal values and UTM coordinates (for NAD 83, UTM zone 17 north) for the surface location of the vertical bore are included in the well data.

Publications, Presentations, and Other References:

◊ West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES)

◊ US Department of Energy (DOE)

◊ US Geological Survey (USGS)

A portion of this work was supported in part by RDS Agreement 41817M4160 and the U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC26-04NT41817.630.01.14.
Page last revised May 5, 2023.
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WVGES address   WV Geological & Economic Survey
1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
Phone: (304) 594-2331
Fax: (304) 594-2575
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