WVGES Summary Data and Statistics
Dividing Line
Martinsburg Wells Reported to WVGES

Martinsburg and Deeper Wells Query Page

Data are current through June 2007.

County Permit
Operator Well Location Well Elevation Total
Completion Method Pay Zone(s)*

(feet below datum)
Show Zone(s) (Gas)

(depths in feet below the surface datum)
(depths are the base of shows)
Show Zone(s) (Oil)

(depths in feet below the surface datum)
(depths are the base of shows)
Dry Completions

(depths in feet below the surface datum)
(depths are the base of dry completions)
Mechanical Logs* Cores
(feet below datum)
Samples Available Top:

(measured depth
feet below datum)

(measured depth
feet below datum)

(measured depth
feet below datum)

(measured depth
feet below datum)

Rose Run
(measured depth
feet below datum)

(measured depth
feet below datum)

(measured depth
feet below datum)
Notes Most Recent Production Reported*
Name Code Name Well Number (decimal degrees) UTM--Zone 17
(feet above
mean sea level)
Datum** Logs Available*** Gross Logged Interval
(depths in feet
below the surface datum)
Sample Descriptions Year Volume
Operator Reporting
Latitude Longitude Easting Northing
Pendleton 071 07/15/1960 United Fuel Gas 8800 38.548056 79.512778 629602.8 4267467.0 2,985 13,001 Trenton dry natural/open hole     2/11/1977 GR,N,T,* 0-12,996  50-13,000    10,035; 11,480 1,682    major thrust fault at 10,035'; see Perry, 1964, AAPG Bull, v.48, #5, p.659-669    
Pocahontas 075 18 06/16/1961 Columbian Carbon GW1329 38.549167 79.684722 614616.5 4267362.4 3,780 10,805 Martinsburg gas acid+frac Oriskany (5,465-5,590) Tuscarora (8,490)   6/22/1961* GR,I,N 1,600-10,787  110-10,805   8,416      faulted; plugged back to the Oriskany 1998 37,676 Mcf Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 
Pocahontas 075 21 08/14/1963 Tidewater Oil 51531 38.152778 80.011389 586620.0 4223022.0 3,493 11,918 St. Paul Group dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Tuscarora (5,553); Juniata (6,162); Martinsburg (6,267; 7,382; 7,734); Trenton (8,513; 8,586; 8,605); St. Paul (11,842)   8/21/1963 GR,N,* 500-11,826  18-11,918   284; 1,360; 5,360 8,460     faulted; repeated sections in the Silurian    
Preston 077 86 O-12/13/1960; D-03/31/1963 Phillips Petroleum  39.466669 79.870278 597182.5 4368965.5 1,828 14,594 Black River gas; dry w/ gas show fractured; acid+frac Oriskany (7,531-7,825) Onondaga (7,619); Oriskany (7,714); Helderberg (7,784; 7,815; 7,940; 7,980; 8,163; 8,325); Tuscarora (10,570; 10,681; 10,733); Martinsburg (13,829); Trenton ( 14,016; 14,073; 14,120; 14,186; 14,256; 14,328)   5/23/1963 GR,D,N,T,* 10-14,590  20-14,494  7,520 10,356 14,010         
Preston 077 119 03/17/1964 Columbian Carbon GW1466 39.238056 79.573611 623104.5 4343955.5 2,172 9,910 Martinsburg gas natural/open hole Tuscarora (7,115-7,123; 7,142-7,147; 7,151-7,156; 7,160-7,165)    7/8/1985 GR,D,I,N,* 0-9,909 7,165-7,432 100-1,760; 1,960-6,200             
Putnam 079 764 04/18/1972 Teavee Oil & Gas TV-86 38.502222 82.019167 411130.4 4261826.0 675 KB 7,565 Trenton dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Big Injun (1,627)   8/12/1972      3,980 5,316 6,700         
Randolph 083 101 O-10/07/1958; D-01/19/1960 Columbian Carbon GW1293 38.784444 79.698889 613011.3 4293453.0 2,920 9,820 Oswego gas; gas acid+frac Huntersville (4,610-4,650); Oriskany (4,860-4,962); Tuscarora (7,376-7,403)   Tuscarora (7,566; 7,611; 7,772); Oswego (9,782) 04/08/1960* GR,I,T,* 20-7,415  425-9,815  4,552 7,137      plugged back to the Tuscarora    
Randolph 083 103 03/09/1961 Hope Natural Gas 10228 38.707223 79.969167 589631.4 4284584.0 2,036 13,121 Trenton dry w/ gas show acid+frac  Tuscarora (5,740); Juniata (7,188; 7,244); Martinsburg (8,244; 8,555); Trenton (10,245; 10,337; 10,490; 11,453)  Oriskany (2,819); Trenton (10,350; 10,400; 10,492) 3/27/1961 GR,D,I,N,S,* 6,282-13,101 12,679-12,726   2,480 5,703 10,118         
Roane 087 19 01/16/1932 United Fuel Gas 4053 38.781389 81.503889 456232.0 4292430.5 823 9,104 Trenton dry w/ o&g show natural/open hole  Salt Sands (1.579); Berea (2,397); Rhinestreet (4,845); Huntersville (5,236); McKenzie (6,407) Big Dunkard (1,020); Helderberg (5,896); McKenzie (6,407)  / /1932    1,155-9,055 V-7, V-11 5,216 7,040 8,865         
Wayne 099 284 O-07/24/1943; D- / /1949 Owens, Libbey-Owens 663 38.307778 82.423056 375577.2 4240716.0 570 4,750 Martinsburg gas; dry natural/open hole Huron (2,882-2,892); Keefer (3,904-3,907)    / /1949*    3,781-4,745  3,197 4,320          
Wayne 099 465 08/05/1949 United Fuel Gas 6181 37.892222 82.393889 377435.2 4194567.5 688 7,900 Conococheague dry w/ o&g show shot  Maxton (1,064); Bedford (1,968); Chagrin (2,220); Onondaga (3,140; 3,286); Keefer (3,774); Trenton (6,360; 6,543; 6,615); Knox (7,162; 7,265; 7,351; 7,763; 7,887) Maxton (1,064); Trenton (6,360; 6,459); Knox (7,176) Knox (7,189; 7,524) 1/5/1950 GR 0-7,100  12-2,460; 2,534-4,996 File 3,108 4,185 5,096         
Wayne 099 1572 11/19/1974 Exxon USA  38.221667 82.534722 365655.0 4231317.0 622 KB 14,625 Precambrian dry natural/open hole     8/6/1975 GR,D,I,S,* 960-14,582 11,135-11,193; 13,735-13,740   2,856 3,926 4,854 6,530 7,260 8,482 14,548     
Wayne 099 1870 07/27/1993 Cabot Oil & Gas A-18 37.946389 82.335278 382675.0 4200502.0 1,253 5,062 Martinsburg gas acid+frac Maxton (1,580-1,613); Big Lime (1,710-1,719; 1,793-1,825); Big Injun (1,862-1,874); Berea (2,416-2,460); Lower Huron (3,268-3,376)          3,750 4,845       1998 13,222 Mcf Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 
Wood 107 351 02/18/1955 Hope Natural Gas 9634 39.256944 81.272500 476488.7 4345117.5 1,065 KB 13,331 Precambrian dry w/ o&g show natural/open hole  Huntersville (4,041); McKenzie (7,102); Keefer (7,229); Tuscarora (7,811); Martinsburg (9,065); Trenton (9,899); Black River (10,154); Trempealeau (11,920); Mt. Simon (13,272) Tuscarora (7,811)  3/8/1955 GR,I,N,T,* 0-12,330 13,004-13,172; 9,416-13,327 4,338-13,000 RI-14, RI-18 4,022 7,679 9,065 10,706   13,272     
Wood 107 518 03/17/1965 Phillips Petroleum P-1575 39.262778 81.282778 475604.1 4345768.0 970 KB 11,905 Copper Ridge dry acid+frac    Newburg (6,636); Tuscarora (7,598) 4/2/1965 GR,D,I,N,* 100-11,896    5,518 7,485 9,423  11,454       
Wood 107 756 12/06/1976 Exxon USA  39.080556 81.508333 456031.4 4325630.5 726 KB 13,266 Precambrian dry natural/open hole     7/12/1977 GR,D,I,S,* 0-13,261 12,445-12,465; 12,585-12,604 40-13,260  5,011 6,800 8,540  10,628 11,355 13,254     
Cabell 011 537 05/03/1971 Cyclops  38.523889 82.263056 389895.9 4264493.0 667 KB 8,552 Precambrian dry w/ o&g show natural/open hole  Big Injun (1,475); Berea (2,026); St. Peter (6,565); Rose Run (7,148); Copper Ridge (7,572) Big Lime (1,410); Copper Ridge (7,572)  7/26/1971 GR,D,I,N,* 100-8,550  200-8,550  3,333 4,395 5,270 6,608 7,216 8,007 8,516     
Calhoun 013 2503 06/11/1974 Exxon USA  38.882500 81.101944 491157.6 4303535.0 1,238 KB 20,222 Precambrian dry w/ o&g show natural/open hole  Big Lime (2,285) Up. Devonian shale (2,610); Marcellus (6,246)  6/11/1974 GR,D,I,N,S,* 2,600-19,392 17,154-17,248; 18,108-18,577   6,246 8,591 10,628 13,550  15,615 20,050     
Clay 015 513 09/12/1953 United Fuel Gas 8000-T 38.453056 81.263889 476974.2 4255910.5 1,142 8,144 Martinsburg dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Pennsylvanian (946; 1,035); Big Injun (1,805); Oriskany (5,779); Tuscarora (7,490)   2/25/1954 I,* 5,615-7,503 7,436-7,499 418-8,140 File 5,595 7,420          
Grant 023 11/05/1965 Shell Oil 10768 39.194722 79.141667 660483.9 4339822.0 2,339 13,000 Beekmantown dry natural/open hole     11/30/1965 GR,D,N,* 50-12,993  0-8,660; 8,940-11,050    5,103 8,570    faults in the Ordovician?    
Greenbrier 025 17 04/17/1967 Union Oil & Gas  38.052222 80.386667 553812.5 4211581.0 2,786 KB 9,509 Martinsburg dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Devonian (6,073; 6,130; 6,693); Onondaga (6,909; 6,968); Salina (7,698); Tuscarora (8,662; 8,719)   4/20/1967 GR,N,S,* 100-9,498  5,970-9,509  6,858 8,594          
Hampshire 027 12 03/10/1964 Shell Oil  39.494444 78.636667 703229.7 4374105.5 938 13,999 Elbrook dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Rose Hill (3,239; 3,338); Tuscarora (5,244; 5,293); Juniata (6,355; 6,596); Oswego (6,596; 6,695; 6,714); Martinsburg (6,834; 6,888; 6,976; 7,007; 8,446)   3/19/1964 GR,I,N,S,* 303-1,241 10,522-10,526; 13,958-13,999 0-13,999   4,144 8,707 9,880        
Hancock 029 80 08/18/1965 Humble Oil & Refining  40.539722 80.556111 537591.0 4487547.5 1,040 10,387 Beekmantown dry natural/open hole     8/18/1965 GR,D,* 720-10,380  1,400-10,385 File 4,670 6,806 8,965 9,915        
Hardy 031 12/09/1962 United Fuel Gas 9058-T 39.002778 78.850000 686179.0 4319075.5 1,965 10,584 Martinsburg gas acidized Oriskany (6,838-6,845) Oriskany (6,800)   12/11/1962* GR,D,I,* 0-7,558  0-10,584   9,350      plugged back to the Oriskany    
Hardy 031 21 07/12/1980 Exxon USA  39.137500 78.990278 673699.6 4333750.5 1,022 16,075 Rome dry natural/open hole     7/12/1980 GR,D,I,N,S,* 100-16,055     2,757 5,495 6,894    faulted; repeated sections in the Cambrian    
Hardy 031 22 08/12/1981 Exxon USA  39.960000 78.672778 701648.8 4314706.5 1,776 8,977 Knox dry natural/open hole     8/12/1981 GR,D,I,N,* 644-8,952      848         
Jackson 035 1366 10/14/1975 Exxon USA  38.729722 81.572500 450236.5 4286732.0 915 17,680 Precambrian gas acid+frac Conasauga (14,358) Up. Devonian shale (2,520); Black River (10,487)   7/9/1978 GR,D,S,T,* 20-17,680 9,235-16,502 100-2,600; 5,420-17,675  5,220 6,073 8,723 10,487 11,660 12,711 17,626     
Kanawha 039 2481 12/12/1970 Union Oil of California  38.141389 81.516111 454772.5 4221423.0 1,425 KB 8,075 Martinsburg dry w/ gas show unknown  Salina (6,350'); Tuscarora (7,148')   3/19/1992 GR,D,N,T,* 21-7,244    5,722 7,066          
Kanawha 039 3462 01/16/1980 Columbia Gas Transmission 20659-T 38.296667 81.370833 467572.4 4238590.5 1,252 KB 10,580 Beekmantown dry natural/open hole     3/11/1980 GR,D,I,S,T,* 100-10,504  2,730-10,580  5,595 7,150 8,777 10,522        
Lincoln 043 1469 06/03/1974 Exxon USA  38.216944 81.940278 417687.0 4230098.0 772 KB 19,124 Precambrian dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Beekmantown (9,289); Conasauga (11,608)   7/19/1974 GR,D,I,N,S,T,* 269-19,110 12,124-12,184; 16,897-16,941 0-9,900; 11,900-18,680  4,333 5,645 6,790 9,289  11,608 19,074     
Lincoln 043 2678 01/17/1986 Columbia Gas Transmission 21480-T 38.085833 82.109444 402703.5 4215714.0 1,121 5,970 Trenton dry acid+frac    Big Lime (1,836); Newburg (4,780); Tuscarora (5,504) 4/23/1986 GR,D,I,N,T,* 50-4,370    4,220 5,440 5,880     plugged back to the Devonian Shale    
Logan 045 864 O-02/27/1966; D-11/29/1971 R W Adams & Assoc  37.920833 81.932222 418062.6 4197235.0 1,208 KB 7,504 Trenton gas; dry unknown Lower Huron (3,825)    12/09/1971* GR,D,I 100-7,496  4,560-7,000  4,422 5,713 6,814         
McDowell 047 909 09/01/1984 Conoco  37.251111 81.583333 448266.7 4122685.0 1,830 7,675 Martinsburg gas acid+frac Tuscarora (7,100-7,222; 7,414-7,508)     GR,D,I,N,T,* 276-7,666  290-6,510  6,250 7,022       1998 133,888 Mcf Waco Oil & Gas Co. 
McDowell 047 1301 01/19/1998 Ashland Exploration 148221 37.478895 81.872224 422879.7 4148152.7 1,484 7,207 Martinsburg gas acid+frac Tuscarora (7,029-7,042) Big Lime (2,953, 3,048, 3,173); Pocono (3,395, 3,898, 4,117); Up. Devonian (4,117, 4,500, 5,095, 5,775, 6,008)         6,068 6,897          
Marion 049 244 O-05/28/1962; W-07/14/1983 Phillips Petroleum  39.431944 80.012222 585013.9 4364968.5 1,341 17,111 Beekmantown dry w/ gas show; gas shot Oriskany ? Driller's Tully (6,281); Huntersville (7,260); Tuscarora (10,135); Martinsburg (12,450; 12,880; 13,045); Black River (13,269); Chazy (14,286; 14,320)   4/21/1963 GR,D.N,* 0-17,029  60-17,111 File 7,190 10,062 13,058 16,012    plugged in 1963, reworked in 1983 1998 1,021 Mcf Columbia Natural Resources 
Marshall 051 539 O-11/05/1969; D-01/18/1971 Occidental Petroleum  39.761667 80.530000 540259.4 4401201.0 1,439 KB 16,512 Tomstown dry nat; frac     1/18/1971? GR,D,I,N,S,* 0-16,505  3,920-16,510  7,575 10,190 12,870 13,956 16,090       
Mason 053 69 08/07/1959 United Fuel Gas 8803 38.713889 82.117222 402865.2 4285413.0 609 KB 8,635 Precambrian dry natural/open hole     8/14/1959 GR,* 100-8,632  1,105-8,635 B-23 3,310 4,480 5,550   8,020 8,558     
Mason 053 297 09/13/1982 Union Drilling 1809 38.623611 82.109167 403444.5 4275386.0 646 KB 10,598 Precambrian dry acid+frac    Beekmantown; Rome 12/28/1982 GR,D,I,N,T,* 2,000-10,587    3,704 4,844  7,438 8,066  10,564     
Mingo 059 805 02/08/1973 Columbia Gas Transmission 9674-T 37.904444 82.169444 397188.7 4195653.0 958 KB 19,600 Precambrian dry w/ gas show natural/open hole  Pennsylvanian (1,013); Big Lime (1,432); Lo.Huron (2,993; 3,115; 3,186); McKenzie (4,484); Trenton (6,072); Wells Creek (8,038; 8,206); Beekmantown (8,753; 9,191)   2/17/1973 GR,D,I,N,S,T,* 100-19,533 16,201-16,261 240-19,591  3,777 4,910 5,964 8,522 9,300 10,650 19,570     
Mingo 059 879 11/09/1978 Columbia Gas Transmission 20500-T 37.883611 82.262222 389000.3 4193447.5 1,105 KB 8,833 Copper Ridge dry w/ o&g show nat; acid+frac  Pennsylvanian (773); Beekmantown (8,045) Pennsylvanian (773) Beekmantown (8,422; 8,558); Rose Run (8,602); Copper Ridge (8,782) 5/7/1979 GR,D,I,T,* 2,400-8,126  1,500-5,000; 7,200-8,108  3,850 4,928 5,850 7,808 8,578       
Pendleton 071 07/ /1952 Seneca Gas & Oil  38.811111 79.362500 642177.8 4296882.0 2,248 3,000 Cambrian dry natural/open hole     7/24/1957 GR,* 0-2,379  0-3,002 File   820        
* Field Definitions ** Datum Types *** Log Types
Completion Date
date that total depth was reached; month/day/year (mm/dd/yyyy); O=original drilling, D=deepening, W=workover
  G =
ground level
  GR =
gamma ray
Total Depth
depth of the well, measured in feet from the surface datum to the bottom of the well
  KB =
  D =
Well Type
if more than one episode of drilling, given in order by date of episode
          I =
Pay Zone(s)
formations, with the depth to the completed interval or the base of the zone, in feet below the surface datum
          N =
Plugged Date
date the well was plugged; month/day/year (mm/dd/yyyy)
          S =
Mechanical Logs
logs on file at the Survey
          T =
Cores Available
cores available in the Suvey's Core and Sample Library
          * =
Most Recent Production Reported
production reported to WV-DEP, the State regulatory authority for oil and gas

Data were compiled by Katharine Lee Avary, West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey

Dividing Line

WVGES Main   Martinsburg and Deeper Wells Query Page

Page Last Revised:   Wednesday, February 07, 2024 1:00:16 PM

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