Oil and Gas Well Data System Description

Dividing Line

Please select from the following topics or simply scroll down the screen:

Locations Completions / Owners
Pays / Shows / Water Stratigraphy
Production Plug
Mechanical Log Catalog Well Samples and Cores


Description: The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey's Oil and Gas Data System is a relational data structure consisting of 8 data types all keyed on the county code and permit number of the wells. These file types include LOCATIONS, COMPLETIONS/OWNERS, PAYS/SHOWS/WATER, STRATIGRAPHY, PRODUCTION, PLUG, MECHANICAL LOG CATALOG and, WELL SAMPLES AND CORES.

Purpose: This system contains and manages data for more than 145,000 oil and gas wells drilled in West Virginia over the past 150 years. This system supports the research and information needs of the agency and is available to the general public in web-based applications and for purchase on DVD.

Custodian: West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.

Date: This system was originally designed in 1966. It has been redesigned several times since then, generally in conjunction with major hardware and software system upgrades. Data have been added to the system continually since 1966.

Sources of Data: Most of the data are extracted/interpreted by Survey geologists from drillers' logs (records) and plats submitted by operators to the State regulatory authority. Other data were obtained directly from operators or from other sources such as Survey publications, geologists' records, property maps, mechanical logs, samples, and cores.

Access: This system of well-specific data is currently available to Survey staff and public users of the agency's "pipeline" and "pipeline-plus" web-based applications.

Geographic Area: This system contains data for oil and gas wells drilled in 53 of the 55 counties in West Virginia; no oil or gas wells have been drilled in the extreme eastern panhandle of the State, in Berkeley and Jefferson counties.

Coordinate System: Well coordinates are stored in a modified form of latitude/longitude measured in hundredths of miles (x.xx) south of the reference latitude and west of the reference longitude. These coordinates are converted upon data entry through a calculation to Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates (UTM) for UTM zone 17 and latitude and longitude decimal degrees. All of these coordinates are stored in the database.

Attributes: Well location; completion data, surface/mineral ownership and well operator; depths and formations of pays and shows of hydrocarbons, storage, observation, injection, etc. and depth and type of water encountered; stratigraphic plugging tops and thicknesses; water encountered in the drilling sequence; monthly and annual hydrocarbon production reported since 1979; plugging; mechanical logs available; and cores and samples available.

Units of Measurement: Unless noted otherwise, units of measurement are as follows: elevations--in feet above mean sea level; depths--in feet below the surface datum; gas volumes--in Mcf (thousand cubic feet); oil volumes--in barrels; pressures--in psi (pounds per square inch); treatment time--in hours.

Permit Number Series: Several series of well identification numbers are used in the database, including the following:

  1. regular-series: wells permitted since 1929 (when permitting became required in the state), beginning with 1 in each county;
  2. 30,000-series: wells drilled prior to the onset of permitting requirements in 1929 and abandoned after 1929; identified by WVDEP as the "Abandoned-series" of well permits; assigned an artificial in-house "permit number" beginning with 30001 in each county;
  3. 50,000-series: wells drilled prior to 1929 and fractured after 1929; identified by WVDEP as the "Fractured-series" of well permit numbers; assigned an artificial in-house "permit number" beginning with 50001 in each county;
  4. 60,000-series: old wells in Clay and Roane counties identified from various proprietary sources;
  5. 70,000-series: "by-farm" wells, generally drilled prior to 1929, with no official assigned permit number; these wells are sorted by farm name and assigned artificial in-house sequential "permit numbers" beginning with 70001 in each county in which they occur; also included are wells generally drilled prior to 1929 with no official permit number and identified with alphabetic designations in older Survey publications;
  6. 90,000-series: well generally drilled prior to 1929 for which the Survey has a location but no other precise information about the farm name, operator, or completion of the wells; assigned an artificial in-house "permit number" beginning with 90001 in each county.


Given below are the detailed listings of data fields in each of the 8 data types in the Survey's oil and gas well database. In this relational database structure, records in each of the file types are keyed on the designated county code/permit number of the wells. A "suffix" code describes the individual episodes of drilling (e.g., original drilling, deepening, or workover). For wells with multiple deepenings or workovers, linking the various records for specific episodes of drilling may involve the use of the API number, suffix, and the episode completion date.

For some of the data types (e.g., LOCATIONS, MECHANICAL LOG CATALOG, and WELL SAMPLES AND CORES), there is only one record regardless of the number of episodes of drilling. For other data types (e.g., COMPLETIONS/OWNERS), there is one record for each episode of drilling. For yet other data types (e.g., PAYS/SHOWS/WATER, STRATIGRAPHY, and PRODUCTION), there are a variable number of records for each well, with one record for each pay or show or water zone, or for each stratigraphic unit, or for each year of production data available. This data structure imports readily into relational databases such as ACCESS; however, the variable number of records per well for certain data types makes importing the data into a spreadsheet somewhat more difficult.


NOTES:  [ ] =  refers to the size of the data field, in bytes
         *  =  data are stored in code; look-up tables are required for translation of codes


Contained in this file type are the coordinates of the well, generally taken from a plat submitted with a driller's log. Other sources of data may include maps from Survey county reports, operator property maps, locations received directly from operators, or locations determined by GPS and received from WVDEP. The well location is given in latitude and longitude (in hundredths of miles south of the reference latitude and west of the reference longitude) and also in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates (measured in meters east of the principal meridian and north of the base line in UTM Zone 17). Also in this record are the 7.5' and 15' quadrangles and the tax district, both in code. There is one record per well.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Tax District [1] *
Latitude/Longitude Location:
        15' Quad Code [3] *
        5' Section [1] *
        15' Location:
                Latitude:  Degrees [2]   (between 37 & 40)
                           Minutes [2]   (between 00 & 59)
                           Miles South [4]   (x.xx)
                Longitude:  Degrees [2]   (between 77 & 83)
                            Minutes [2]   (between 00 & 59)
                            Miles West [4]   (x.xx)
        7.5' Quad Code [3] *
        7.5' Location:
                Latitude:  Degrees [2]   (between 37 & 40)
                           Minutes [4]   (between 00 & 59)   (xx.x)
                           Miles South [4]   (x.xx)
                Longitude:  Degrees [2]   (between 77 & 83)
                            Minutes [4]   (between 00 & 59)   (xx.x)
                            Miles West [4]   (x.xx)
UTM Location:
        Easting [8]   (in meters; Zone 17)
        Northing [9]   (in meters; Zone 17)


Data in this file type are generally taken from a driller's log for each episode of drilling and summarize the completion of the well. Fields include the spud and completion dates, AAPG well classification, field code, rig type, well type, initial potentials and rock pressures both before and after stimulation, elevation, total depth of the well, new and exploratory footages, and the deepest formations penetrated and tested. There is one record per completion episode or well.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Suffix [1] *
Spud Date:  Day [2], Month [2], Year [4]
Completion Date: Day [2], Month [2], Year [4]
Year Reported [4]
Classification:  Initial [1] *
                 Final [1] *
Field Code [3] *
Elevation [4]  (in feet above mean sea level)
Elevation Type [1] *
Rig Type [1] *
Initial Potential:  Gas - Volume Before Treatment [6]
                    Gas - Volume After Treatment [6]
                    Oil - Volume Before Treatment [4]
                    Oil - Volume After Treatment [4]
Rock  Pressure:  Natural Pressure [4]
                 Natural Time [4]
                 Treated Pressure [4]
                 Treated Time [4]
Well Type [1] *
Completion Method [1] *
Total Depth [5]
New Footage [5]  (for this episode of drilling)
Exploratory Footage [5]
Deepest Formation Penetrated [3] *
Deepest Formation Tested [3] *

"Owners" contains information taken from a plat and/or driller's log, including the surface owner of the well, the well number, the mineral owner, and the operator and the operator's number for the well. These data record information at the time the well was drilled. For information on the current ownership of a well, contact the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection--Office of Oil and Gas. There is one record per episode of drilling.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Suffix [1] *
Date:  Day [2], Month [2], Year [4]
Status [1] *
Surface owner and farm number [24]
Mineral owner [24]
Operator code [4] *  (translated in ASCII files)
Company number [15]


This data type contains information taken mainly from drillers' logs. For each episode of drilling, there are individual records for each completed interval in a well and also for each zone of a show of hydrocarbon or zone of storage, injection, or observation in a well. As a result, there are a variable number of PAYS AND SHOWS records for each episode of drilling.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Suffix [1] *
Completion Date:  Day [2], Month [2], Year [4]
Pay:  Activity Code [1] *
      Product Code [1] *
      Interval:  Depth to Top of the Interval [5]
                 Depth to Bottom of the Interval [5]
      Formation Code:  at Top of Interval [3] *
                       at Bottom of Interval [3] *
      Volume:  Before Treatment [6]
               After Treatment [6]

Water data, taken from drillers' logs, describe the occurrence of water encountered in the drilling operation; this is not the water produced along with other hydrocarbons. These data were used to generate statewide maps of the fresh water/salt water interface (WVGES Publication MAP-WV12). With one record per occurrence of water, there are a variable number of records per well.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Suffix [1] *
Water:  Quality [1] *
        Depth to Top of Interval [5]
        Quantity [3]   (in bailers)


An individual record is coded for each major stratigraphic unit in a well. Data may be taken or interpreted from drillers' logs, mechanical logs, PI (Petroleum Information Corp.) cards, GeoLogs, or sample studies. There are a variable number of records per well. Data include the stratigraphic unit, depth from the surface datum to the top of the unit, formation thickness, and quality codes describing/defining the source or quality of the data.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Suffix [1] *
Formation:  Formation Code [3] *
            Quality Code [1] *
Depth to Top of the Formation:  Depth in Feet [5]
                                Quality Code [1] *
Thickness of the Formation:  Thickness in Feet [5]
                             Quality Code [1] *
Datum:  Elevation [4]
        Type of Datum [1] *


Generally, there is one record per well per year, with monthly and annual gas and oil volumes produced and the operator who reported the production data for that year; monthly days-on-line are available until 1986. At the time of data input, a "status" code is assigned describing the source, quality, and/or quantity of the information received. These data are available since 1979 and have been received from the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection--Office of Oil and Gas, the State agency to which operators are required to report production. Occasionally, data corrections have been received by this agency directly from operators. There are a variable number of records available per well.

For information on the current ownership of a well, contact the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection--Office of Oil and Gas.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Operator Code [4] *  (translated in ASCII files)
Year of Production [4]
Well Status [1] *
Annual Summary Data:
        Volume:  Gas [7]
                 Oil [6]
        Days-on-Line [3]
        Flow Pressure [4]
        Shut-in Pressure [4]
Monthly Detailed Data:
     Oil (in barrels):               Gas (in Mcf):                   Days-on-Line:
        January [5]                     January [5]                     January [2]
        February [5]                    February [5]                    February [2]
        March [5]                       March [5]                       March [2]
        April [5]                       April [5]                       April [2]
        May [5]                         May [5]                         May [2]
        June [5]                        June [5]                        June [2]
        July [5]                        July [5]                        July [2]
        August [5]                      August [5]                      August [2]
        September [5]                   September [5]                   September [2]
        October [5]                     October [5]                     October [2]
        November [5]                    November [5]                    November [2]
        December [5]                    December [5]                    December [2]


This file type contains information about the partial or total plugging of a well. There may be more than one record per well if a well was initially partially plugged or redrilled and replugged after the initial plugging. Data are taken from affidavits of plugging and other official documents and reports.

County Code [3] *
Permit number [5]
       Date:  Day [2], Month [2], Year [4]
       Total Depth [5]
       Year Reported [4]
Flag for Source of Information [1]

Mechanical Log Catalog

This file type contains an inventory of mechanical logs currently maintained by the Geological Survey. Logs are available for more than 20,000 wells. There is one record per well, containing information about the availability of various types of logs in the Survey's log library, a gross interval over all logs available, various log scales, and the physical location of those logs; the deepest formation logged is available for a limited number of wells. Digitized log traces are not available at this time.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Status [1] *
Range of Intervals [11]   (xxxxx - xxxxx, in feet)
Deepest Formation Logged [3] *
Logs Available [14] *
Microfilm Roll Numbers [11]
Comment [40]

Well Samples and Cores

This file type contains an inventory of cores and subsurface samples contained in the Survey's core library. Cores are available for more than 80 wells, and samples are available for more than 4,000 wells. There is one record per well, containing data on the presence of samples/cuttings and/or cores, the interval sampled, the cored interval and associated stratigraphic information at the top and bottom of the cored intervals, and the availability of written descriptions of those cores or cuttings.

County Code [3] *
Permit Number [5]
Cuttings:  1st Interval [11]   (xxxxx - xxxxx, in feet)
           2nd Interval [11]   (xxxxx - xxxxx, in feet)
1st Core:  Interval [11]   (xxxxx - xxxxx, in feet)
           Top Formation [3] *
           Bottom Formation [3] *
2nd Core:  Interval [11]   (xxxxx - xxxxx, in feet)
           Top Formation [3] *
           Bottom Formation [3] *
Sample Studies [7]
Comment [20]
Status [1]
Number of Boxes [5]
Date Sample Received [4]

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Page last revised: June 12, 2009

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Page created and maintained by:
            West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
  Address:  Mont Chateau Research Center
            1 Mont Chateau Road
            Morgantown, WV  26508-8079
Telephone:  304-594-2331
      FAX:  304-594-2575
    Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday

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