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Creating a Geologic Play Book for Trenton-Black River
Appalachian Basin Exploration
Semi-Annual Report
Reporting Period Start Date: October 1, 2003
Reporting Period End Date: March 31, 2004
Principal Authors:
Douglas G. Patchen, James Drahovzal, Larry Wickstrom, Taury
Smith, Chris Laughery and Katharine Lee Avary
April 2004
DOE Award Number: DE-FC26-03NT41856
West Virginia University Research Corporation
P.P. Box 6845, Morgantown, WV 26506-6845
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
109 Kinkead Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0057
New York State Museum Institute
Room 3140 CEC, Albany, NY 12230
Ohio Division of Geological Survey
4383 Fountain Square, Columbus, OH 43224
Pennsylvania Geological & Topographic Survey
400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey
1 Mont Chateau Road, Morgantown, WV 26508-8079
“This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the
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or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference
herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
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agency thereof.
Private- and public-sector stakeholders formed the new “Trenton-Black River
Appalachian Basin Exploration Consortium” and began a two-year research effort
that will lead to a play book for Trenton-Black River exploration throughout
the Appalachian basin. The final membership of the Consortium includes 17 gas
exploration companies and 6 research team members, including the state geological
surveys in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, the New York State
Museum Institute and West Virginia University. Seven integrated research tasks
are being conducted by basin-wide research teams organized from this large pool
of experienced professionals.
More than 3400 miles of Appalachian basin digital seismic data have been quality
checked. In addition, inquiries have been made regarding the availability of
additional seismic data from government and industry partners in the consortium.
Interpretations of the seismic data have begun. Error checking is being performed
by mapping the time to various prominent reflecting horizons, and analyzing
for any anomalies. A regional geological velocity model is being created to
make time-to-depth conversions.
Members of the stratigraphy task team compiled a generalized, basin-wide correlation
chart, began the process of scanning geophysical logs and laid out lines for
16 regional cross sections. Two preliminary cross sections were constructed,
a database of all available Trenton-Black River cores was created, and a basin-wide
map showing these core locations was produced. Two cores were examined, described
and photographed in detail, and were correlated to the network of geophysical
Members of the petrology team began the process of determining the original
distribution of porous and permeable facies within a sequence stratigraphic
framework. A detailed sedimentologic and petrographic study of the Union Furnace
road cut in central Pennsylvania was completed. This effort will facilitate
the calibration of subsurface core and log data. A core-sampling plan was developed
cooperatively with members of the isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion task
One hundred thirty (130) samples were prepared for trace element and stable
isotope analysis, and six samples were submitted for strontium isotope analysis.
It was learned that there is a good possibility that carbon isotope stratigraphy
may be a useful tool to locate the top of the Black River Formation in state-to-state
Gas samples were collected from wells in Kentucky, New York and West Virginia.
These were sent to a laboratory for compositional, stable isotope and hydrogen
and radiogenic helium isotope analysis.
Decisions concerning necessary project hardware, software and configuration
of the website and database were made by the data, GIS and website task team.
A file transfer protocol server was established for project use. The project
website is being upgraded in terms of security.
Figure 1. Location of Cambrian and Ordovician outcrops, wells that penetrate
the top of the Trenton Group, and new permits for testing Trenton and Black
River play in Pennsylvania.
Figure 2. Measured section for the Black River and Trenton Groups exposed along
Pennsylvania Route 453 near Union Furnace, and the vertical stacking pattern
of carbonate facies.
Figure 3. Barrier-bank type carbonate ramp, modified from Read (1985).
Figure 4. Distally steepened carbonate ramp, modified from Read (1985).
The West Virginia University Research Corporation (Research Corporation) was
awarded a contract by the U.S. Department of Energy through the National Energy
Technology Laboratory to create a geologic play book for Trenton-Black River
exploration in the Appalachian basin.
The Research Corporation assigned the contract to the Appalachian Oil and
Natural Gas Research Consortium (AONGRC), a program at the National Research
Center for Coal and Energy at West Virginia University. The AONGRC organized
a Trenton-Black River Research Team, consisting of recognized experts currently
employed by the State geological surveys in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and
West Virginia, and the New York State Museum Institute, an agency in the New
York State Education Department.
The Research Corporation, working with the AONGRC, created an industry-government-academic
partnership, the “Trenton-Black River Appalachian Basin Exploration Consortium”
(the Consortium), to co-fund and conduct the research effort. Seventeen gas
exploration companies joined the Consortium. Each contributed cost share through
a two-year membership fee, and several expressed an interest in supplying data
and expertise while taking an active research role.
This project has three main objectives:
- to develop an integrated, multi-faceted, resource assessment model of Trenton-Black
River reservoirs in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and West Virginia;
- to define possible fairways within which to conduct more detailed studies
leading to further development of the gas resource in these reservoirs; and
- to develop an integrated structural-stratigraphic-diagenetic model for the
origin of Trenton-Black River hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs.
The Consortium will achieve these goals by conducting research in eight integrated
task areas:
Task 1. Structural and seismic analysis and mapping
Task 2. Analysis of stratigraphic relationships and thickness mapping
Task 3. Analysis of petrographic data and synthesis of depositional environments
Task 4. Analysis of isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion data
Task 5. Analysis and summary of petroleum geochemistry data
Task 6. Analysis of production, data/histories and horizontal well technology
Task 7. Data, GIS and website management
Task 8. Play book compilation and project management
Most of the effort to this point (October 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004)
been expended to: collect and verify data for research tasks 1 through 6; organize
database for task 7; and finalize the Trenton-Black River Appalachian Basin
Consortium (Task 8). Geologists with each of the research partners began mining
existing data bases to determine areas of data strengths and weaknesses, and
comparing stratigraphic nomenclature and log picks between states. The process
scanning well logs to create digital files was begun. Logs were digitized using
hardware and software, producing LAS and TIFF files.
Geologists in Pennsylvania and Kentucky conducted field work to describe and
sample Trenton-Black River outcrops. Thin sections made from outcrop and core
samples were examined, described and compared. Hardware which will be used to
collect gas samples from Trenton-Black River wells was collected and assembled,
wells were selected for sampling purposes. Contact was made with the owners
of these
wells seeking permission. Some samples were collected.
Many decisions about the hardware, software, and configuration of the project
website and database were made during the period. The website, database and
project GIS need to operate within the West Virginia Geological and Economic
Survey’s (WVGES) existing network and internet connections. Thus, many
people within the WVGES who are not directly working on the project had to be
consulted before project personnel could make the decisions necessary to purchase
necessary new hardware dedicated to the project.
Production data vary from state to state in terms of monthly or annual data
being available. Therefore, for consistency, it will be necessary to analyze
basin-wide annual production data. However, for individual field studies, it
may be possible to analyze monthly data.
All team agreements have been signed, most of the company cost share has been
collected, and subcontracts are in place with four of the five members of the
research team. In spite of the long time that it took to put membership agreements
and subcontracts in place, the project is on schedule because the individual
task teams forged ahead once the contract between DOE and the West Virginia
Research Corporation was signed.
Gas Isotope Studies
Isotopes are atoms whose nuclei contain the same number of protons but a different
number of neutrons. There are two fundamental kinds of isotopes, stable and
unstable (radioactive) species. Stable isotopes are not subject to radioactive
decay. Their abundance in nature is controlled by biological and physical processes,
such as photosynthesis and equilibrium reactions in the case of the stable isotopes
of carbon (
12C and
13C). Differences in isotopic mass lead to subtle but significant
differences in the behavior of the stable isotopes of an element during natural
processes. Unstable isotopes experience radioactive decay. Each radioactive
isotope has a characteristic decay time known as the half-life, and these isotopes
may be used in age dating, e.g.
Carbon occurs in a wide variety of compounds, from highly oxidized inorganic
materials such as CO
2 and sedimentary carbonate rocks to highly reduced organic
substances in the biosphere. Sedimentary carbonates and organic matter possess
distinct stable carbon isotope compositions because of the operation of two
different reaction mechanisms (Hoefs, 1997):
1. Isotope equilibrium exchange reactions within the inorganic carbon system
(atmospheric CO
2 – dissolved bicarbonate – solid carbonate)
lead to an enrichment of
13C in carbonate rocks.
2. Kinetic isotope effects during photosynthesis concentrate
in organic matter.
The stable isotopic composition of carbon in a sample of any material is expressed
using the delta (δ) notation,
sample= {[(
sample – (
standard] ÷ (
* 1000
sample is in parts per thousand or per mil (
oo). The standard is
the internationally recognized PDB reference standard for carbon (see Hoefs,
1997). The PDB standard has been assigned a value of zero per mil. Negative
δ-values mean that the sample is enriched in the lighter isotope (
12C) relative
to the standard, whereas positive δ-values mean that the sample is enriched
in the heavier isotope (
13C) when compared with the standard.
Stable isotope geochemistry provides a powerful method for distinguishing natural
gases from different sources (Schoell, 1983). Although methane is the primary
constituent of most natural gases, other important components include higher
hydrocarbons, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and CO
2. The δ-values of carbon in
hydrocarbon gases and CO
2 are useful for determining microbial, thermogenic,
and inorganic sources of the gases (Schoell, 1983; Hoefs, 1997).
Helium is found in natural gases. It has two isotopes,
3He and
The relative abundance of these two isotopes in a natural gas indicates the
source of the helium.
4He is mostly generated by the disintegration
of radioactive elements in sedimentary rocks.
3He originates in the
earth’s mantle. Low
4He ratios (~ 10
-8) indicate
a sedimentary origin, whereas ratios of ~ 10
-7 to 10
-5 indicate a mantle source.
The ratio of
40Ar is approximately 10 – 20 for a sedimentary origin
and 1 – 2 for a mantle origin. We plan to measure these quantities in
the Glodes Corners field samples to address the suggestion of abiogenic gases
All samples collected so far were shipped to Isotech Laboratories in Champaign,
Illinois for molecular and isotopic analyses. Samples are prepared offline and
then analyzed by dual inlet isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS).
Geochemical Studies
A range of geochemical and fluid inclusion analyses are being conducted on
Trenton and Black River limestone and dolomite samples to help build models
for dolomitized reservoir formation and to aid in correlation between widely
spaced stratigraphic sections.
In order to better understand the origin of the dolomite in these two predominantly
limestone formations, stable isotope, strontium isotope, trace element and fluid
inclusion analyses will be conducted. The combination of these analyses will
help build confidence in any interpretations. Each of them by themselves can
be equivocal, but together they can build a strong case. It is our hypothesis
that these dolomitized reservoirs are of a fault-controlled, hydrothermal origin.
In general, hydrothermal dolomites have:
• Light
18O isotopes (-2 to -18). Oxygen stable isotope values in dolomites
are directly dependent on the temperature and composition of the water. If the
water has a composition of +5 or +10, even hot fluids can make heavy (positive
18O value) dolomites. Incorporation of CO
3 from the precursor limestone could
also produce heavier (more positive)
18O values. Because the value of the water
and the rock water ratio are not known, these are the least reliable of all
of the tests by themselves. When conducted in combination with other analyses,
however, they can be very valuable and they also are the least expensive.
• Radigenic
86Sr ratio. The radiogenic signature shows that fluids
have flowed through continental basement rocks or feldspar-rich sediments overlying
the basement. Exceptions: Mafic basement rocks, resetting, incorporation of
original strontium from limestone can be problems
• Relatively high Fe and Mn contents. Exceptions: Most hydrothermal fluids
pick up Fe and Mn in the basement or overlying feldspar-rich sandstones, but
some may not. It all depends on the composition of the basement rocks.
• Fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures >75ºC and
salinities that average ~20 wt % (6 times normal seawater) Fluid inclusions
almost always are hot in dolomites. Commonly this is attributed to resetting.
It is our belief that resetting can and does happen, but that a lot of dolomite
probably does form in hot water.
All of these will be studied together to learn the origin of the dolomite.
Knowing the origin of the dolomite and the composition of the fluid that made
it will help to build an overall model of reservoir formation. This model can
then be used as a predictive tool for finding new hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs
in the Trenton-Black River interval of eastern North America and in similar
carbonates around the world.
Early work on this project has confirmed that there are significant changes
13C within the limestones and dolomites. Carbon-13 is a stable isotope of
carbon that is routinely analyzed when doing stable isotope analysis. These
changes in
13C are abrupt and can be used as a correlation tool when the study
interval is sampled and analyzed at different sections. It is believed that
these changes reflect secular variations in seawater chemistry, so the changes
13C should occur in all carbonates that are of the same age. This could be
a very powerful tool when correlating between long distances.
Task 1: Structural and Seismic Investigations
The Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) was assigned the lead role for Task 1.
KGS assembled a Task 1 Team that included research team members from geological
surveys in other states as well as in Kentucky. This team began to compile available
seismic and basement map data from cooperating state agencies and industry partners.
To date, the Task 1 Team has successfully quality checked and loaded 3,425 miles
of Appalachian Basin digital seismic data within Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania
and New York. In addition, team members made inquiries into the availability
of additional data from government and industry partners within the Trenton-Black
River Appalachian Basin Exploration Consortium (Consortium), some of which has
been received. Currently, seismic data gaps are in much of Ohio, the western
part of Pennsylvania, parts of New York and northern and central Kentucky. Efforts
to fill these gaps are underway.
Interpretation of several prominent reflecting horizons within the seismic
data has begun in large portions of eastern Kentucky, West Virginia, north-central
Pennsylvania and south-central New York. Periodic error checking is performed
during the interpretation stages by mapping the time to these horizons and analyzing
for any anomalies. A regional, 3-D geological velocity model is currently being
created in order to make time-to-depth conversions.
Initial draft structural maps for parts of the area have been generated using
the interpretations from the wells and seismic data that are currently available.
These preliminary maps will be updated as more seismic data become available
and as additional velocity information from wells clarify time-to-depth relationships.
Task 2: Stratigraphic Analysis and Thickness Mapping of Key Units
The Ohio Division of Geological Survey (ODGS) was assigned the lead role for
Task 2, and has assembled a Task 2 Team that includes members from each of the
other state agency partners. During the reporting period, interstate stratigraphic
correlation differences among team members in Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia
were resolved. Team members from the various geological surveys compiled data
sets of available well cores for applicable stratigraphic formations and forwarded
them to the ODGS for compilation. Digital (LAS) files for 99 deep wells in eastern
Kentucky (Lower Ordovician and older formations at total depth) were transferred
to ODGS for use in preparing preliminary cross sections and maps. Additional
digital (LAS) files are being prepared by team members in other states, and
will be transferred to ODGS shortly.
Most of the work performed during this first semi-annual period focused on
collecting all available data for use in the stratigraphy task, and data that
could be used by other members of the Consortium for their respective tasks.
This included updating the Trenton-Black River core database, examining core
files and descriptions, and noting any cores with dolomitized Trenton-Black
River zones. Team members also searched core records for any data on source
rock evaluation, fluid inclusion data, thin section data, or other pertinent
information that could be useful for the other tasks. This information was incorporated
into the core database to assist in prioritizing the cores for sampling in Tasks
3 (Petrographic analysis), 4 (Isotope geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion analysis)
and 5 (Petroleum geochemistry). Xerox copies were made of these data and disseminated
to the leaders of Tasks 3, 4, and 5. Wells with continuous core through the
entire Trenton-Black River interval, and wells with dolomitized zones, have
been prioritized for sampling. Several key cores with continuous Trenton-Black
River intervals were identified in Ohio and West Virginia. These cored wells
include the following: several Chevron tests from the Utica to Knox in Wyandot
and Marion Counties, Ohio (core numbers 3372, 3373, 3374): the ODGS continuous
core from the Silurian Greenfield to the PreCambrian in Seneca County, Ohio
(core number 2580); the OGS continuous core from the Cincinnatian to Precambrian
Middle Run Formation in Warren County, Ohio (core number 2627); a continuous
core from the Pennsylvanian to Rome in Scioto County, Ohio (core number 3409);
and a continuous core from the (Cincinnatian to the Precambrian in Wood County,
West Virginia( core number 768). Cores that are reported to have dolomite in
the Trenton-Black River interval based on core descriptions are noted in the
core database.
Task 2 Team geologists examined, photographed and correlated 2 cores to geophysical
logs (cores 2580, 3372). Core examination focused on dolomitized zones, porous
zones, oil shows and marker beds (i.e., bentonite beds) to assist in understanding
regional correlations.
Regional lines for cross sections were determined using Precambrian wells,
and a map showing these wells was circulated among team members in all states
for review. Other wells considered for use in regional cross sections are prioritized
based on wells with dolomitized Trenton-Black River, significant producing wells,
wells with core, or wells indicating significant facies changes.
In summary, the Task 2 Team accomplished the following during the first semi-annual
period of the project:
• Performed literature search on the Trenton-Black River interval
• Collected stratigraphic columns from all Consortium states and Ontario
for creation of a basin-wide generalized correlation chart
• Collected core databases from all Consortium states and Ontario; created
database for all Trenton-Black River cores in the study area
• Constructed a basin-wide Trenton-Black River core map
• Compiled a database of all Precambrian wells in the northern Appalachian
basin for use in regional cross sections
• Scanned significant geophysical logs into TIFF files for use in preliminary
cross sections and for use with significant cores
• Laid out 16 regional cross section lines across the basin using Precambrian
wells only
• Created 2 preliminary stratigraphic cross sections illustrating the
stratigraphy of the Ordovician Utica Shale to Precambrian interval
• Examined all Ohio Trenton-Black River core records
• Two cores examined, photographed and correlated to geophysical logs
• Created preliminary database for Ohio wells that have a total depth
(TD) in Utica or deeper, and wells that are productive in the Utica-Trenton-Black
River interval, and created a map showing these wells
• Have made isopach maps for three intervals (Black River, Trenton and
Utica-Lorraine) in New York
• High-graded Ordovician tops for New York wells
• Presented an update of this work at the quarterly meeting in Pittsburgh
Task 3: Petrology and Petrography of Trenton and Black River Carbonates
The Pennsylvania Geological Survey (PGS) has been assigned the lead role for
Task 3. PGS staff geologists Christopher Laughrey, Jaime Kostelnik, and John
Harper studied the petrology and petrography of the Trenton-Black River carbonates
and provided information to team members with other state geological surveys
during the first six months of the project. Here is a list of accomplishments
during that period:
• Completed a sedimentological and petrographic study of the Union Furnace
roadcut in central Pennsylvania
• Initiated sedimentologic and petrographic descriptions of whole-diameter
and sidewall cores from Pennsylvania wells
• Made arrangements with personnel from the New York, Ohio, West Virginia
and Kentucky Geological Surveys to obtain and study selected Trenton-Black River
cores in each of these states
• Collected and crushed samples to a fine powder for trace element, stable
isotope and Strontium isotope analysis
The work performed during this first semi-annual period focused on collecting
all pre-existing data for use in the geochemistry task, and data that could
be used by other members of the Consortium for their respective tasks. The pre-existing
data were entered into Excel spreadsheets.
The original porous and permeable carbonate facies distributions were determined
within a sequence stratigraphic framework. These facies distributions would
have influenced travel by dolomitizing fluids through subsurface fairways in
the geologic past. These facies distributions also would have influenced reservoir
storage capacities. The spatial distribution of reservoir seals, reservoir compartmentalization
and diagenetically-controlled pore geometry are partially or wholly due to original
sedimentological features.
Much of the research effort during first semi-annual period was concentrated
on the Union Furnace outcrop in central Pennsylvania
Figure 1) where we measureded
240 m (787 ft) of Trenton and Black River rocks
Figure 2).
Seventy nine (79)
thin sections for microfacies determination were prepared and examined . There
are numerous reasons for spending resources on this single outcrop. First, the
Trenton-Black River play is basin-wide in scope, and accurate stratigraphic
correlations and analyses are necessary for rigorous petroleum exploration and
development. Lithostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic interpretations of
the outcrop will facilitate calibration of subsurface core and log data. In
addition, sedimentological interpretations of the Trenton-Black River lithologies
will assist interpretations of the petroleum source rocks in the play. The outcrop
descriptions will be used to help calibrate facies interpretations in core samples.
Carbonates and shales of the Black River and Trenton at the Union Furnace outcrop
comprise at least five third-order depositional sequences within the Turinian
and Chatfieldian North American Stages. Black River rocks include skeletal grainstones,
packstones, and wackestones, mudstones and dolostones. They also exhibit some
autochthonous, organically bound limestone textures. Black River rocks were
deposited in intertidal, lagoonal and shallow subtidal environments on a gently
sloping barrier-bank ramp (
Figure 3).
Trenton rocks include skeletal rudestones,
floatstones, grainstones, packstones, and wackestones, laminated and nodular
mudstones, and black calcareous shales. These rocks were deposited in relatively
deep subtidal environments on a distally steepened ramp
Figure 4).
cyclic patterns, induced by storms, were superimposed on larger scale, eustatically-controlled
successions in both the Trenton and Black River carbonates.
The sampling process has begun on some cores in the New York collection. The
Task Team hopes to have access to about 75 thin sections from cores in New York.
These cores are confidential at this point but will be public by the end of
the study period. Plans have been made to visit the Kentucky, Ohio and West
Virginia surveys to sample cores in their collections, as well. A database for
Trenton-Black River thin sections was received from the Ohio Division of Geologic
Survey. All sampling for laboratory analysis should be done by the end of June.
After samples are collected, they are crushed to a fine powder for trace element,
stable isotope and Strontium isotope analysis. About 130 samples have been crushed
so far. Member states have been contacted concerning the availability of cores,
particularly any cores with dolomitized Trenton-Black River zones. So far the
project is right on schedule
Task 4: Isotope Geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion Analysis
The Task 4 Team is comprised of staff members from the New York State Museum,
including Langhorne Smith, Richard Nayhay, Justin Deming and Rose Schultz. All
team members worked on the Trenton-Black river study during the first six months
of the project.
The work performed during this first semiannual period focused on collecting
all pre-existing data for use in the geochemistry task, and data that could
be used by other members of the Consortium for their respective tasks. The Task
4 Team entered the pre-existing data into Excel spreadsheets, and began the
sampling process on cores in the New York collection. Plans were made to visit
the Ohio and West Virginia geological surveys to sample some of their cores.
Team members also will visit Kentucky on the same trip. The goal is to complete
the sampling phase by the end of June.
After samples are collected, they will be crushed to a fine powder for trace
element, stable isotope and strontium isotope analysis. Thus far, about 130
samples have been crushed. Most of the member states have been contacted about
available cores, particularly any cores with dolomitized Trenton-Black River
zones. So far the project is right on schedule.
In summary, this is a list of accomplishments during the reporting period:
• Performed literature search on geochemistry studies in the Trenton-Black
River interval in the Appalachian and Michigan basins
• Still in the process of collecting pre-exisitng geochemical data from
Consortium states and Ontario for creation of a basin-wide database
• Are entering all pre-existing data into Excel spreadsheets and will
have a comprehensive basin-wide data set at the end of the project
• Collected core databases from all consortium states and Ontario; making
plans to visit each survey for sampling
• Prepared 130 samples for trace element and stable isotope analysis
• Prepared 6 samples for strontium isotope analysis; sent them to a laboratory
for analysis
• Sent thin section photos, digitized logs and core descriptions from
New York to all surveys
• The NYSM gave ESOGIS database access to all States. This includes tiff
images of all New York deep wells and digitized logs for many of them
• Have learned that there is a good possibility that we will be able to
use carbon isotope stratigraphy to correlate the top of the Black River from
state to state. This should enhance the reliability of the cross sections considerably
• Presented update of this work at quarterly meeting in Pittsburgh
Task 5: Petroleum Geochemistry of Trenton and Black River Gases
The Pennsylvania Geological Survey (PGS) has been assigned the lead role in
Task 5. PGS staff geologist and Task Team Leader Christopher Laughrey initiated
a study of the isotope geochemistry of Trenton-Black River mature gases in the
Appalachian basin. Other team members assisted him by arranging to collect samples
in Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. In addition, Dave
Harris and Bandon Nuttall of the Kentucky Geological Survey assisted Laughrey
in the field in Kentucky. Here is a list of accomplishments during the period:
• Collected gas samples from wells in Kentucky, New York and West Virginia
• Sent all samples to Isotech Laboratories in Champaign, IL for compositional,
stable carbon and hydrogen, and radiogenic helium isotope analyses
The work performed during this first semi-annual period focused on collecting
gas samples from wells in Kentucky, New York and West Virginia and sending them
to Illinois for laboratory analyses.
Natural gases vary in chemical and isotope composition as a function of their
formation and migration history. The stable isotope composition of methane,
ethane, propane and higher homologs provides very specific genetic information
about the gas produced from a well. The type of organic material, or kerogen,
that was the source of the hydrocarbons, and the thermal maturity of that organic
material at the time the gas was generated, can be determined. This is useful
for interpreting what source rocks generated the hydrocarbons produced from
a reservoir, the timing and direction of reservoir charge, and what were (or
are) the petroleum migration fairways. Mixing of gases from different sources
in a reservoir also can be recognized. The utility of this kind of information
in the Trenton-Black River play is obvious. Examples of this kind of work are
explained in Schoell (1983). Some specific applications of this approach in
the Appalachian basin include Jenden and others (1993) and Laughrey and Baldassare
When this work is done, the ratios of stable isotope concentrations of carbon
and hydrogen in methane, and the ratios of stable isotope concentrations of
carbon in ethane through pentane are measured. Sometimes the isotope ratios
in CO
2 and N
2 also are measured. Samples are collected from the wellhead in
clean, stainless steel high-pressure cylinders designed for this application.
Carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios are conservative properties that do not
change significantly upon depressurization, solution or dissolution and other
physical processes that occur during oil and gas production. Thus, the stable
isotope concentrations in gases are independent of reservoir and sampling conditions
rendering them useful as tracers for many gas field operations. These include
reservoir identification, reservoir compartmentalization and fault block mapping,
reservoir allocation, gas storage and identification of gas seeps. These applications
are clearly outlined in Schoell and others (1993).
For this study we are addressing the genetic origin of the Trenton-Black River
gases produced in Kentucky, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia,
and the potential utility of stable gas isotope geochemistry in the development
stages of Trenton-Black River field production. The petroleum produced from
Trenton-Black River reservoirs has been ascribed to various potential source
rocks by different workers: 1) Utica (Antes) Formation (Wallace and Roen, 1989;
also Ryder and others; 1998); 2) self-sourced Trenton (Obermajer and others,
1999); 3) Cambrian marine black shale (Ryder and others, 2003); and 4) serpentinization
of basement peridotite within the Rome trough (Keith and others, 2003). The
latter is quite a radical interpretation and something we plan to look at critically
with our data. To that end we will add measurements of
4He to our analyses
of the Glodes Corners Road field (New York) gases and perhaps gas from some
other fields as well.
For the development aspects of the study, the isotope ratios of methane collected
from different wells in structurally complex fields, such as Glodes Corners
Road, Saybrook and Stagecoach, will be measured first to determine if the gases
produced from the Trenton-Black River carbonates are genetically the same within
the reservoirs or if they are different in different parts of the reservoir.
If different, higher hydrocarbons will be analyzed to see if fracture compartments
can be defined.
Task 6: Analysis of Production Data/Histories and Horizontal Well Technologies
Production data vary from state to state in terms of the availability of monthly
versus annual data. This was made very clear to all project members at the project
meeting on March 17, during which the type of production data that are publicly
available for each state was summarized. New York only has annual data, released
on July 1 for the previous calendar year. Pennsylvanian has only annual data,
with a 5-year confidentiality period. Therefore, no Pennsylvania production
data are likely to be available for this study, as the first Trenton well was
drilled in 2003. Kentucky has monthly data by well. Ohio has annual data back
to 1984, and monthly data for some wells. West Virginia has monthly and annual
data back to 1978. Therefore, production data will need to be analyzed on an
annual basis in order to have a common time period among all states. Monthly
data may be analyzed where available.
Task 7: Database, GIS and Website Management
Many decisions about the hardware, software, and configuration of the project
website and database were made during the period. The website, database and
project GIS need to operate within the West Virginia Geological and Economic
Survey’s (WVGES) existing network and internet connections. Thus, many
people within the WVGES who are not directly working on the project had to be
consulted before project personnel could make the decisions necessary to purchase
new hardware that will be dedicated to the project.
A file transfer protocol (FTP) server was established for project use. The
server is currently designed as an anonymous FTP server (anyone could download/upload
files), and as a user-account (user name and password account) server. However,
a more secure user-account protocol (i.e., SFTP which involves encryption) will
be necessary for the project and will be set up in the next quarter.
The overall, general project webserver is being upgraded in terms of its security
functionality, especially in terms of the Secure Socket Layer protocol. This
effort was delayed somewhat while the original operating system software and
documentation were located. The machine had been moved several times, and the
supporting components had not been moved with the hardware, at some point in
ArcIMS development for the project will proceed using the current version of
IMS (4.0.1); if a newer version of IMS is available during the duration of this
project, the Trenton IMS may be migrated to version 9.0. After much discussion,
the specifications for purchase of a new ArcIMS server machine were agreed upon.
Early in the next quarter, the purchasing process will be initiated.
Decisions about the exact placement of the ArcIMS server in relation to the
WVGES network and the project webserver will be made early in the next quarter.
Security and firewall options for the ArcIMS server also will be made. In conclusion,
decisions about the specifications for the ArcIMS server took longer than expected,
but were necessary to ensure functionality
Task 8: Play Book Compilation and Management
The compilation of the play book will occur in the final reporting period
(April 1, 2005 – September 30, 2005) as each of the individual task teams
complete their assignments.
The Project Manager and Senior Management Team had several goals and key challenges
during the initial reporting period. Chief among these were obtaining signatures
from each research team member and company partner on a “Trenton-Black
River Appalachian Basin Exploration Consortium” membership agreement that
defines membership and member fees. Once this agreement was signed and most
of the membership fees were paid, the next goal was to get subcontracts and
budgets in place with each of our research team members. This would allow them
to begin their research efforts.
Other management goals were to organize and hold the first meeting of the Research
Team, schedule the first meeting of the entire Trenton-Black River Appalachian
Basin Exploration Consortium, and make assignments to Task Leaders who would
write the first semi-annual technical report.
A total of 13 companies had committed to join the proposed Trenton-Black River
Research Consortium (the “Consortium”) prior to September 2003 when
the original research proposal was submitted. Subsequent to that time, another
seven companies expressed an interest in becoming members. Consequently, when
the membership agreement was written, copies were sent to 20 potential companies,
some of whom had already submitted their membership fee. Unfortunately, one
of the companies could not abide by the language in the membership agreement,
and requested that we refund their fee, which they had paid in full. Two other
companies who had submitted a commitment letter became disenchanted with the
play and requested to be released from their prior commitment. By the end of
the reporting period, the Project Manager had obtained signed membership agreements
from 17 companies and all five research team members, enough to ensure that
the West Virginia University Research Corporation would meet their contractual
cost share. Consequently, subcontracts were written and sent to each of our
research team partners.
By the end of the reporting period, four of the five research partners had
returned their signed subcontracts and each had been partially funded. The final
subcontract is expected soon, once it clears the legal department in that state.
On March 17th, the initial meeting of the research team was held in the offices
of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey in Pittsburgh. All members were in attendance.
The primary goal of the Project Manager for this meeting was to get the talent
pool of researchers from five different partners organized into task teams,
each with a task leader. By doing so, the basin-wide research effort could then
be conducted by these task teams, not by individual surveys who are separated
by state lines. A second, but very important goal, was to organize individual
task research plans into one coordinated plan where the needs of one task team
could be met in a timely manner by other teams.
Other goals were to establish a base line of play metrics prior to initiating
our research program; to summarize the extent of our knowledge of prior research
that is of significance to the project; and to exchange lists of public data
that each partner will provide to other task teams. Once the amount of available
data had been assessed, it was possible to develop more realistic time-lines
for data analysis, interpretation and integration.
All of these goals were achieved during the meeting. Task leaders were introduced
to task team members in each of the member states and teams were created. Each
of the Task Team Leaders presented a Research Plan for their individual task.
However, before the meeting ended an integrated research plan with goals and
deadlines had been created.
Although more than 3400 miles of seismic data have been collected and quality
checked, large gaps in seismic coverage remain in parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania,
New York and Kentucky. The seismic team has concluded that they will need additional
donations to fill these gaps and in order to provide adequate coverage for structural
Geophysical log coverage appears to be adequate for the stratigraphic portion
of the project. The distribution of log control will allow the construction
of 16 regional stratigraphic cross sections and the preparation of isopach maps.
The amount of core material that has been added to the project database is
encouraging. Cores are available in each of the states, and will be useful,
when correlated to geophysical logs, in the stratigraphic task. In addition,
after these cores are sampled, the petrographic and geochemical task teams will
have adequate coverage for their research efforts.
There is a good possibility that carbon isotope geochemistry can be a useful
tool for correlating the top of the Black River Formation across the basin.
Operators have been very cooperative when asked to provide access to their
wells so that samples of gas from the Trenton-Black River can be obtained. The
gas geochemistry team should be able to collect gas samples in each of the states
with production from this play.
Production data will need to be analyzed on an annual basis in order to have
a common time period among all states. Monthly data may be analyzed where available.
The decisions about the specifications for the ArcIMS server took longer than
expected, but were necessary to ensure functionality.
Task teams have been organized and are fully functional. Individual task plans
have been integrated into one overall project plan. The research is on schedule.
Hoefs, J. (1997). Stable isotope geochemistry (4th Edition), Berlin, Heidelberg,
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