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GeoEducational Resources

Earth Science Education Resources for West Virginia K-12 Teachers and others

geol. transect image
Geologic Transect Across West Virginia
Take a virtual road trip across northern West Virginia for a glimpse at the diverse rocks that make up the Mountain State!


This page provides FREE material culled from the experiential RockCamp Program, which began as a National Science foundation-funded program in 1992, continued with state funding and external grants provided to the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, morphed into a web-only platform in 2009, and, in 2016, was shuttered due to State budgetary issues. RockCamp was based on the idea that recurrent teacher participation in a series of increasingly complex professional development sessions was the key to building a strong state-wide community of earth science educators willing to acquire, share, and modify pedagogical content knowledge. Recognizing the vast amount of educational material RockCamp's participants and staff created, this page represents a commitment to ensure that at least a majority of that material remains available and accessible. RockCamp, in all its formats and variations, was a contact engine for educators. Its cessation removes this option. Please note that there is no attempt to imply ''this is the way it should be done.'' Instead, it provides ideas and one way to implement them. It is the user's responsibility to adapt and modify the material to address the needs and content level of their classroom environment. You are encouraged to download material and rip out illustrations for projection purposes and to use them for conceptual exploration, development, or assessment.

Acknowledgment: Other than the obvious teacher-compiled material, most of the original content discussions and illustrations are provided by Dr. John Renton, Professor Emeritus, WVU Geology Department. Betty Schleger, WVGES, retired, produced all of the PowerPoint material, page layouts, and final graphic illustrations.

USER NOTE: PowerPoint presentations and slides were generated with PowerPoint 2010 to utilize its widescreen and interactive capabilities. To access a PowerPoint file, save the file to your computer and then open the saved file in PowerPoint. You may need to click 'slideshow' to fully take advantage of the interactive features of the presentation. In slideshow/presentation mode, clicking a highlighted word will open a temporary content window. Click anywhere on the window to close it.

Geology Content Knowledge
These publications build upon each other. A review of previous discussions may enhance understanding of newer material.

Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Plate Tectonics
Icon of Plate Tectonics, booklet cover
(ED-15, J. J. Renton, T. E. Repine, Jr., 2009, 29 p, 31 f, 8.5'' x 14'')
Booklet to assist the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts of plate tectonics. Classroom activities and demonstrations. Engaging and well illustrated conversational text style. Free printable digital PDF version and downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes). See also more in this series: ED-16, ED-17.   (PDF icon PDF, 2.5 MB)
View and download the images from this publication: ED-15 Illustrations (.pptx, 6.2 MB).

Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Sedimentary Rocks
Icon of Sedimentary Rocks, booklet cover
(ED-16, J. J. Renton, T. E. Repine, Jr., 2011, 48 p, 91 f, 8.5” x 14”)
This booklet assists the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts covering the formation and deformation of sedimentary rocks. It contains classroom activities and demonstrations with engaging and well-illustrated conversational text style. Free printable digital PDF version and downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes). See also more in this series: ED-15, ED-17.   (PDF icon PDF, 7.7 MB)
View and download the images from this publication: ED-16 Illustrations, Part 1 (Figures 1 to 44) (.pptx, 12.3 MB); ED-16 Illustrations, Part 2 (Figures 45 to 91) (.pptx, 11.6 MB).

Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Igneous Rocks
Icon of Igneous Rocks, booklet cover
(ED-17, J. J. Renton, T. E. Repine, Jr., 2013, 19 p, 31 f, 8.5” x 14”)
This booklet assists the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts covering the formation and identification of common igneous rocks. Classroom activities and demonstrations. Engaging and well-illustrated conversational text style. Free printable digital PDF version and downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes). See also more in this series: ED-15, ED-16.   (PDF icon PDF, 3.4 MB)
View and download the images from this publication: ED-17 Illustrations (.pptx, 7.7 MB).

Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Weathering and Mass Wasting
Weathering and Mass Wasting
(Renton, J.J, and T.E. Repine, Jr., 2016, 34 p, 50 f.)
Booklet to assist the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts covering weathering and mass wasting. Free printable digital PDF version of booklet and separate, downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes). (PDF icon PDF, 4.2 MB)
Download Figures  1 through 10 in a compressed (zip) file: Figs  1 to 10 from the booklet (.zip, 6.2 MB).
Download Figures 11 through 20 in a compressed (zip) file: Figs 11 to 20 from the booklet (.zip, 5.5 MB).
Download Figures 21 through 30 in a compressed (zip) file: Figs 21 to 30 from the booklet (.zip, 5 MB).
Download Figures 31 through 40 in a compressed (zip) file: Figs 31 to 40 from the booklet (.zip, 5 MB).
Download Figures 41 through 50 in a compressed (zip) file: Figs 41 to 50 from the booklet (.zip, 6.1 MB).

For high bandwidth: download ALL the images from this publication in one, VERY large, compressed (zip) file: ALL figures from the booklet (.zip, 28 MB -- VERY LARGE file!).

Content PowerPoint Presentations
These files provide content in the indicated content areas and were constructed to take advantage of the interactive nature of PowerPoint in its presentation mode. To access the material, first save the file to your computer. Once saved, open it on your own computer using PowerPoint. On some computers, you may be required to turn on the presentation mode in PowerPoint to use the files correctly. In presentation (slideshow) mode, click highlighted word to open window. Click open window to close. Files function best in PowerPoint 2010. The files may NOT work correctly if opened directly from the WVGES web page, especially if using Internet Explorer.

Plate Tectonics
.ppsx, 3.2 MB

Depositional Environments
.ppsx, 2.3 MB

Igneous Rocks
.ppsx, 4.4 MB

Sedimentary Rocks
.ppsx, 1.7 MB

Metamorphic Rocks
.ppsx, 1.7 MB

Physiographic Provinces
.ppsx, 958 KB

Geologic Maps
.ppsx, 557 KB

Fossil Quiz
.pptx, 8.4 MB

Mineral Identification
.ppsx, 1.2 MB

Mineral Identification Chart
.jpg, 16 KB
Earth Science Classroom Activities
Adaptive Earth Science Activities
Icon of Adaptive Earth Science Activities booklet cover
(ED-13, 1998, 78 p.)
Compilation of earth science activities and projects for kindergarten through 12th-grade classroom use, designed and tested by West Virginia teachers participating in the Survey's RockCamp earth science education project. Includes objectives, materials needed, procedures, assessments, and teaching suggestions. Well illustrated.
(PDF icon PDF, 1.69 MB)
Best of...
Classroom activities designed to satisfy requirements for various levels of RockCamp participation. The original activity lesson plans have been reconstructed to take advantage of the interactive nature of PowerPoint in presentation mode. To access the material, first save the file to your computer. Once saved, open it on your own computer using PowerPoint. On some computers, you may be required to turn on the presentation (slideshow) mode in PowerPoint to use the files correctly. In presentation mode, click buttons to reveal text. Click button again to close. Includes objectives, time requirements, materials needed, procedures, assessments, and teaching suggestions. Files function best in PowerPoint 2010. The files may NOT work correctly if opened directly from the WVGES web page, especially if using Internet Explorer.
.ppsx, 285 KB
Tell Me A Story
.ppsx, 159 KB
Behind Jurassic Park
.ppsx, 251 KB
Drawing From The Past 2
.ppsx, 84 KB
How Does Your Garden Grow?
.ppsx, 86 KB
Calculating the Porosity of a Sponge
.ppsx, 117 KB
And the Winner Is
.ppsx, 99 KB
Latitude and Longitude
.ppsx, 127 KB
Core Sampling
.ppsx, 115 KB
Analogy of Relative Humidity
.ppsx, 112 KB
How Much Lime is in Limestone?
.ppsx, 89 KB
Parking Lot Gravel
.ppsx, 181 KB
Groundwater Flowmeister
.ppsx, 81 KB
.ppsx, 139 KB
Star Gazing Inside
.ppsx, 109 KB
Let's Talk Trash
.ppsx, 111 KB
Contour Line Activity
.ppsx, 165 KB
Our Earth's Address
.ppsx, 111 KB
Mudcracks: A Clue to the Earth's Past
.ppsx, 87 KB
Are All Limestones Created Equal?
.ppsx, 79 KB
Whether it Weathers?
.ppsx, 132 KB
Spelunking: Exploring Caves and Caverns
.ppsx, 246 KB
Make Your Own Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
.ppsx, 671 KB
Fossil Origins
.ppsx, 80 KB
Weathering and Fossil Preservation
.ppsx, 98 KB
Compass Treasure Hunt
.ppsx, 86 KB
Pasta Paleontology
.ppsx, 89 KB
Rock Riddles
.ppsx, 160 KB
Deep Ocean Current Forces
.ppsx, 850 KB
Fossils in Time
.ppsx, 92 KB
Name that Rock
.ppsx, 117 KB
Mighty Metamorphic Power Rocks
.ppsx, 109 KB
Musical Rocks
.ppsx, 100 KB
Modeling Geologic Columns with Sand Art
.ppsx, 73 KB
Doughy Topos
.ppsx, 140 KB
Black-Box Ocean Floor Landforms
.ppsx, 112 KB
Constellation Box Activity
.ppsx, 75 KB
Oooh What A Relief It Is...
.ppsx, 183 KB
Strike and Dip
.ppsx, 112 KB
Solar System Travel Company
.ppsx, 338 KB
A Constructivist Model of Geologic Time
.ppsx, 75 KB
Drawing from the Past and Building on that Knowledge
.ppsx, 91 KB
Exploring the Geologic Time Scale
NSTA Published Activity Ideas
Earth Science activities authored by RockCamp participants and published in NSTA peer-reviewed journals The Science Teacher and Science Scope. Articles reflect each author's affiliation at time of publication.
Changing Seasons
Changing Seasons
(PDF icon PDF, 181 KB)
Our Earth's Address
Our Earth's Address
(PDF icon PDF, 800 KB)
Reconstructing the Geologic Timeline
Reconstructing the Geologic Timeline
(PDF icon PDF, 1.5 MB)
Chemistry Rocks
Chemistry Rocks
(PDF icon PDF, 421 KB)
The Art of Geology
The Art of Geology
(PDF icon PDF, 611 KB)
Outcrops in the Classroom
Outcrops in the Classroom
(PDF icon PDF, 823 KB)
Geodesic Earth
Geodesic Earth
(PDF icon PDF, 375 KB)
Quake Search
Quake Search
(PDF icon PDF, 471 KB)
What's the Connection?
What's the Connection?
(PDF icon PDF, 471 KB)
The Insect Connection
The Insect Connection
(PDF icon PDF, 455 KB)
Constructive Contours
Constructive Contours
(PDF icon PDF, 520 KB)
Mining the Learning Cycle
Mining the Learning Cycle
(PDF icon PDF, 477 KB)
I Hate Fieldtrips
I Hate Fieldtrips
(PDF icon PDF, 806 KB)
Earth Science Activities: all 13 chapters
All of the above 13 NSTA Published Activity Ideas compiled into one single, very large, pdf book file.
(PDF icon PDF, 2.06 MB)
Activities in Historical Geology
Icon of Activities in Historical Geology booklet cover
Activities from the out-of-print West Virginia Through Geologic Time (ED-14).
(PDF icon PDF, 2.06 MB)
Icon of a complete and folded hexaflexagon

Hexaflexagon—A three-dimensional study tool that you can make! Also known as a "kaleidocycle," the hexaflexagon idea is based on a "trihexaflexagon" devised by a British student, Arthur H. Stone, while studying at Princeton University in the late 1930s. Strips of paper are folded and taped in such a way to produce a "flexible" 3-D model.

View the video for the Sedimentary Rock hexaflexagon below to see how to construct one.
Download and print any of the templates and try one yourself!

Instructional Video

Hexaflexagon Templates

Download and print the following templates in JPG or PDF.
For JPG files, click on the link for JPG, right click on the large image and choose "Save Picture as" to download the image to your computer.

Sedimentary Rock (2946 x 1060 pixels)
Thumbnail image of the Sedimentary Rocks Hexaflexagon template JPG icon JPG, 365 KB
PDF icon PDF, 397 KB
Rock Puzzle (2987 x 1042 pixels)
Thumbnail image of the Rock Puzzle Modified Hexaflexagon template JPG icon JPG, 333 KB
PDF icon PDF, 56 KB
Continental Drift (2891 x 1035 pixels)
Thumbnail image of the Continental Drift Hexaflexagon template JPG icon JPG, 339 KB
PDF icon PDF, 366 KB
Continental Movement (2945 x 1063 pixels)
Thumbnail image of the Continental Movement Hexaflexagon template JPG icon JPG, 358 KB
PDF icon PDF, 53 KB
West Virginia Trackway

Trackway—Introducing students to an ongoing scientific exercise can be accomplished by using the material provided here. It is best to begin this process by reading the General Information file. Actual real life 1:1 scale illustrations of each track are provided in the Cut-Outs file. It will allow you to print two tracks per page, which can then be cut out and used by students. The Printing Hints file may prove helpful. The actual pattern required to duplicate the original trackway can be derived from the Plot Guide. Note that each track has two reference points (a dot and an arrow) each with x, y coordinates. Tape applied to the floor in the shape of X versus Y axes can allow for plotting the location of each track using its two reference points. The completed trackway should look something like the one shown in the Plot Guide and Answer Key. Once plotting is finished, trackway analysis can begin. Begin by asking how many feet the animal walked on. From here you can proceed to trying to get students to see how four-footed motion can be discerned from the trackway. The three files found under Step Key will be useful at this point. For example, the first set of related tracks numbered 12, 13, 1, and 4. Another file is an animation depicting foot placement. This four-footed animal always had three feet in contact with the ground. Tips of digits count. Only one foot was moved at a time. Furthermore, the posture was one of two feet together on one side and two feet apart on the other side. This posture would be repeated when the next step was taken. You can illustrate this by using the Animated Trackway found within the Step Key file and by using the Body Form images. The body form images provide visual help but will only work properly with a fully plotted, life-size, trackway. Finally, trackway measurements, discussed in the General Information Guide, can be modeled after those shown by the plotted Answer Key.

  • General Information, Cut-Outs, Step Key, and Printing Hints
    .doc, 87 KB .pdf, 9.14 MB Activity Answer Key, .pdf, 6 KB
    Activity Sheet, .pdf, 6 KB
    Animated Trackway, .wmv, 280 KB

    .doc, 69 KB
    General Information   Cut-Outs   Step Key   Printing Hints  
  • Plot Guide and Answer Key
    PDF icon PDF, 2.13 MB PDF icon PDF, 2.15 MB
  • Body Form
    PDF icon PDF, 27 KB PDF icon PDF, 27 KB
Field Trip Guides
Geology Field Trip Guide
Geology Field Trip Guide
Geology road guide from Morgantown to Spruce Knob and places in between. Multiple illustrations used to discuss geological differences of the various West Virginia geological provinces encountered during the trip. Note: Some stratigraphic terminology and correlations may not adhere to those currently in use by the WVGES. Review the most current WVGES stratigraphic terminology.
(PDF icon PDF, 2.37 MB)

I-68/I-70: A Window to the Appalachians
I68/I70:  A Window to the Appalachians
Interstate 68/70 geology road guide. A 160-mile road guide from Morgantown, West Virginia to Frederick, Maryland highlighting the major structural components of the Appalachian Mountains along interstates 68 and 70. Note: Some stratigraphic terminology and correlations may not adhere to those currently in use by the WVGES. Review the most current WVGES stratigraphic terminology.
(PDF icon PDF, 3.7 MB)
View and download the images from this publication: Geology Field Trip Guide Illustrations

Animations and Videos
.wmv, 936 KB
37 sec
Relative Age Dating #1
.wmv, 670 KB
25 sec
Relative Age Dating #2
.wmv, 740 KB
28 sec
.wmv, 834 KB
19 sec
Seneca Rocks
.wmv, 157.85 MB
11 min 10 sec
Why Care About Rocks?
.mpg, 7.76 MB
53 sec
.mpg, 18.79 MB
1 min 8 sec
Acid Test
.wmv, 280 KB
9 sec
Annotated Geology Illustrations
Classroom illustrations designed and used by Dr. J. Renton, WVU Geology Department. Grouped by content. Each illustration is accompanied by a short description/discussion. Illustration may be used in many different ways, especially in a learning cycle mode. Text may be ripped from image to project clean image for classroom white board use, provided as non-text images for note-taking, assessing prior knowledge, or content application. Colored graphics of original line drawings by Betty Schleger, WVGES.
Coastlines Deserts Energy Faults and Folds Glaciers Groundwater Mass Wasting
.pptx, 2,376 KB
.pptx, 2,683 KB
.pptx, 636 KB
.pptx, 1,862 KB
Faults and Folds
.pptx, 2,101 KB
.pptx, 2,243 KB
.pptx, 353 KB
Mass Wasting
Minerals Plate Tectonics Sedimentary Rocks Volcanoes and Volcanism Weathering and Soils
.pptx, 499 KB
.pptx, 2,476 KB
Plate Tectonics
.pptx, 505 KB
Sedimentary Rocks
.pptx, 1,969 KB
.pptx, 1,202 KB
Weathering and Soils
Geologic Time
Some of these illustrations are technically incorrect but still useful until updates become available. Their inaccuracy provides a clear example of the nature of science. Browse the Internet to discover how the familiar Pennsylvanian and Mississippian terms have been downgraded to subsystems of the Carboniferous Period.
classroom-friendly column Palezoic Periods #1 Paleozoic Periods #2 Mesozoic Era Geologic Time Scale Precambrian Eon and Eras
Classroom-Friendly Geologic Column Paleozoic Periods #1 Paleozoic Periods #2 Mesozoic Era Geologic Time Scale Precambrian Eon and Eras
Geologic Maps
Geologic Map of West Virginia (1)
Geologic Map of
West Virginia
(shades of blue, green, and purple on white)
Geologic Map of West Virginia (2)
Geologic Map of
West Virginia
(shades of blue, green, and pink on white)
Geologic Map of West Virginia (3)
Geologic Map of
West Virginia
(shades of blue, green, and pink on black)
Geologic Map of WV
Geologic Map of
West Virginia
(interactive, layered PDF, using USGS colors)
Color by Number WV Geo Map w/key
.pdf, 54 KB
Make a WV Geologic Map! (with color key)
Color by Number WV Geo Map
.pdf, 54 KB
Make a WV Geologic Map! (without color key)
Physiographic Provinces
color me physiographic map color me physiographic cross section color me physiographic cross section Allegheny Front #1 Great Valley Blue Ridge Mountains Appalachian Plateau Allegheny Front #2 Geologic Provinces Cross-Section #1
Color Me! Physiographic Province Map Color Me! Physiographic Cross Section Appalachian Plateau and Allegheny Front Allegheny Front #1 Great Valley Blue Ridge Mountains Appalachian Plateau Allegheny Front #2 Geologic Provinces Cross-Section #1
Geologic Block Diagram along Allegheny Front Valley & Ridge Folding and Faulting Map of Geologic Provinces #1 Geologic Provinces Cross-Section #2 Plateau Province Map Valley & Ridge Province Map Great Valley Province Map Geologic Province Map #3
Geologic Provinces Cross-Section #2 Plateau Province Map Valley & Ridge Province Map Great Valley Province Map Geologic Province Map #3 Geologic Block Diagram along Allegheny Front Valley & Ridge Folding and Faulting Map of Geologic Provinces #1
Blastoid Bryozoan #1 Bryozoan #2 Horn Coral Crinoid with a Section of Stem Crinoid with a Section of Stem Crinoid with a Section of Stem Brachiopod #1 Brachiopod #2
Blastoid Bryozoan #1 Bryozoan #2 Horn Coral Crinoid with a Section of Stem Crinoid Stem Crinoid Stem
Top View
Brachiopod #1 Brachiopod #2
Brachiopod #3 Brachiopod #4 Brachiopod #5 Gastropod #1 Gastropod #2 Gastropod #3 Eurypterid Graptolite Trilobite #1
Brachiopod #3 Brachiopod #4 Brachiopod #5 Gastropod #1 Gastropod #2 Gastropod #3 Eurypterid Graptolite Trilobite #1
Trilobite #2 Pelecypod Linoproductus Juresania Alethopteris Annularia Neuropteris Pecopteris #1 Pecopteris #1
Trilobite #2 Pelecypod Linoproductus Juresania Alethopteris Annularia Neuropteris Pecopteris #1 Pecopteris #2
Links to Interesting Topics on WVGES Website
West Virginia Geology Many articles on various places across the State.
State Park Geology Stretch your students conceptual knowledge by reading about the geology of well known state parks.
Field Mapping Summary reports of ongoing mapping projects in eastern counties. Excellent geology photographs.
Geological Hazards Reprinted article from Mountain State Geology magazine that is a must concept for all students.
Earthquakes Updated by WVGES geologist Dr. Ron McDowell to show most recent large and local seismic activity.
Marcellus Shale Drilling Lots of detailed data but several maps which should be of use. Use interactive map to pinpoint wells in your area!
Photographs of West Virginia Outcrops
Black and white photographs by Peter Lessing, WVGES, 1997. Arranged by topic and/or county to take advantage of the interactive nature of PowerPoint in its presentation mode. To access the material, first save the file to your computer. Once saved, open it on your own computer using PowerPoint. On some computers, you may be required to turn on the presentation (slideshow) mode in PowerPoint to use the files correctly. Files function best in PowerPoint 2010. The files may NOT work correctly if opened directly from the WVGES web page, especially if using Internet Explorer. These large files may take a while to save to your computer.
Photographs of West Virginia Outcrops by Topic Photographs of West Virginia Outcrops by County, Berkeley to Logan Photographs of West Virginia Outcrops by County, Marion to Morgan Photographs of West Virginia Outcrops by County, Pendleton to Wood
.pptx, 2.8 MB
By Topic
.pptx, 4.2 MB
By County:
Berkeley to
.pptx, 2.6 MB
By County:
Marion to
.pptx, 3.2 MB
By County:
Pendleton to
Geology for the Chemistry Teacher Concise Guide to Common Plant Fossils of WV Origins of Earth's Water
.pdf, 2.6 MB
Geology for the Chemistry Teacher
.pdf, 5.4 MB
Concise Guide to Common Plant Fossils of West Virginia
.pdf, 1.5 MB
Origin of Earth's Water
Page last refreshed July 18, 2023 .
Please send web site questions, comments, or suggestions to webmaster.
WVGES address   WV Geological & Economic Survey
1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
Phone: (304) 594-2331
Fax: (304) 594-2575
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