Free Downloadable Publications and Appendices

  • Publications

    • RI-37: Regional Investigation of Rare Earth Element-Enriched Underclay Deposits in the Central and Eastern United States: an Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) Geochemical Reconnaissance Study:
      Moore, Jessica, Hanna, H., Royce, B., Daft, G., Andrews, W., Eble, C., and Brown, S., 2024, 31 p, 15 f, 1 tables. The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) works to identify mineralized areas or deposits across the United States that may host critical minerals to be utilized as a domestic resource. Aluminum-rich clays associated with coal horizons in Pennsylvanian-age strata occur throughout the Appalachian Plateau Province, the Central Appalachian Basin, and the Illinois Basin and have the potential to be low-grade, large-volume, critical mineral feedstocks. Understanding of the distribution of metals in varying lithologies and stratigraphic positions is limited by data density and a lack of modern geochemical data. Led by the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey and including the participation of eight state geological surveys, a multi-year, regional reconnaissance study collected over one thousand stratigraphic and spatially representative underclay samples in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins. The samples were collected from both core and outcrops and were analyzed by the USGS and are presented in this peer-reviewed report. The full publication is being freely distributed on the WVGES website.
      * Appendices for the publication are available on this page below.

    • FTG-9: What the H!? Paleozoic Stratigraphy Exposed, Regional Stratigraphy and Structure in the Central Appalachians from the Ordovician to the Pennsylvanian as seen in new outcrops along US 48 (“Corridor H”) and other locations in eastern West Virginia
      Hunt, P.J., R.R. McDowell, B.M. Blake, Jr., J. Toro, and P.A. Dinterman, 2017, What the H!?Paleozoic Stratigraphy Exposed, Pre-Meeting Field Trip Guide for the 46th Annual Meeting, Eastern Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (ESAAPG, Morgantown, West Virginia, September 24 and 25, 2017: West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Field Trip Guide FTG-9, 87 p.

    • FTG-10: Appalachian Basin Stratigraphy, Tectonics, and Eustasy from the Blue Ridge to the Allegheny Front, Virginia and West Virginia
      Haynes, John T., Alan D. Pitts, Daniel H. Doctor, Richard J. Diecchio, B. Mitchell Blake, Jr., 2018, Appalachian Basin Stratigraphy, Tectonics, and Eustasy from the Blue Ridge to the Allegheny Front, Virginia and West Virginia: West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Field Trip Guide FTG-10, 86 p. This guide is from a two-day field trip in western Virginia and eastern West Virginia held before the 2015 Geological Society of America annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. The field trip examines exposures of Paleozoic sedimentary strata in the Appalachian Basin starting in the Blue Ridge physiographic province, going through the Valley and Ridge physiographic province, and ending in the Appalachian Plateau physiographic province. Most of the field-trip stops are along US 48 (Corridor H) in West Virginia.

    • B-46: Hydrogeology, Groundwater Flow, and Groundwater Quality of an Abandoned Underground Coal-Mine Aquifer, Elkhorn Area, West Virginia
      Kozar, Mark D., McCoy, Kurt J., Britton, James Q., Blake Jr., Bascombe M., 2012, 103 p, 38 f, 9 tables. This report presents results of a three-year investigation of the geology, hydrology, geochemistry, and groundwater flow processes within abandoned underground coal mines of the Pocahontas No. 3 coal seam, used as a source of water for public supply in the Elkhorn area, McDowell County, West Virginia.

    • ED-15: Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Plate Tectonics
      J. J. Renton, T. E. Repine, Jr., 2009, 33 p, 33 f, 8.5” x 14”. Booklet to assist the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts of plate tectonics. Classroom activities and demonstrations. Engaging and well illustrated conversational text style. Associated downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes) available on the WVGES website: See also more in this series: ED-16, ED-17.

    • ED-16: Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Sedimentary Rocks
      J. J. Renton, T. E. Repine, Jr., 2011, 48 p, 94 f, 8.5” x 14". Booklet to assist the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts covering the formation and deformation of sedimentary rocks. Classroom activities and demonstrations. Engaging and well illustrated conversational text style. Associated downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes) available on the WVGES website: See also more in this series: ED-15, ED-17.

    • ED-17: Conceptual Understanding Series for West Virginia Teachers: Igneous Rocks
      J. J. Renton, T. E. Repine, Jr., 2013, 19 p, 31 f, 8.5” x 14”. Booklet to assist the K-12 science teacher in understanding and teaching introductory theories and concepts covering the formation and identification of common igneous rocks. Classroom activities and demonstrations. Engaging and well illustrated conversational text style. Associated downloadable JPG illustrations (that can be used for projection purposes) available on the WVGES website: See also more in this series: ED-15, ED-16.

    • MAP-29A: Generalized Stratigraphic Chart for West Virginia
      Update periodically, 2 p. This stratigraphic column includes official standard geologic nomenclature used by WVGES in West Virginia as well as oil-and-gas drillers' terms; also includes page of selected references.

  • Appendices

    • RI-37 Appendices
      Moore, J., Hanna, H., Royce, B., Daft, G., Andrews, W., Eble, C., and Brown, S., 2024, Regional investigation of rare earth element-enriched underclay deposits of the central and eastern United States: An Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) geochemical reconnaissance study. West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey Reports of Investigation 37. 31pp.

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