1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508-8079
Phone:(304) 594-2331
Fax:(304) 594-2575
Publication FAQs
What is the Publications Database?
The Publications Catalog Database was created to help the public find WVGES publications,
maps, and open-file reports of interest. It was also created so that new publications could be made known to the public in a timely manner. This database is searchable and has over 900 publications, maps, and open-file reports.
Why are some publications marked "Limited Availability" while others are marked
with "No Longer Available"?
"Limited Availability" publications are reprinted from academic journals. The articles were written by WVGES staff members and the WVGES acquired a limited number of copies of the articles to distribute. Since the journal holds the copyright, we cannot copy these articles. When the WVGES has distributed all of the original copies,
the articles are listed as "No Longer Available." The article may still be found in the journal in an academic library.
What do the Open File Report numbers mean?
Open File Reports 1 through 129 are listed in sequential order.
Starting in 1979 with OF-791, Open File Reports are numbered in chronological order. The first two numbers are the year, the second two numbers are the unique id numbers, which are given in order of publication throughout that year.
What is a "digital format"?
Selected pre-packaged geologic data, used in the production of Survey publications, are available on computer-processible media. The data format consists of ASCII text or Microsoft Access® or Excel® files that can be provided on CD-ROM or DVD.
Products that are available in digital format, such as archived scans of maps and books, or tables in Microsoft® Excel format on CD-ROM, are listed in the individual product description or at the heading of each section of the catalog. Many publications that were previously listed as out of print are now available on CD-ROM in Adobe .pdf or .tif format.
What is "GIS format"?
The term "GIS format" is used to describe files on CD-ROM that can be used in a Geographic Information System (GIS). The WVGES uses ESRI ArcGIS® software products; most GIS-ready data will be available in shapefile or geodatabase format. Additionally, the WVGES hosts many Interactive Mapping Services (IMS) on our website, showcasing our geologic GIS data to the public.
Shapefiles can be downloaded for free from most of the IMS Services. Please visit the IMS portal page on our website: http://ims.wvgs.wvnet.edu/index.html.
For further information on the datasets, and availability, prices, and ordering instructions, directly contact the Information Services Program, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, 1 Mont Chateau Road, Morgantown, WV 26508; phone (304)594-2331; FAX (304)594-2575. (DDS datasets cannot be ordered using the catalog Order Form.)
What do the different "deliverables"
"Deliverables" describe the different formats in which publications are currently available. Some publications are still available in hardcopy (paper, book, paper map) format while some publications are only available digitally. Many publications that were previously listed as out of print are now available on CD-ROM in Adobe .pdf or .tif format.
Can I get digital publications in print form?
Yes. Digital publications can be printed on a request basis. We can print and bind small booklets and print out large format map files in full color on request for an extra fee. Contact the WVGES for pricing and ordering information.
Why are some items only available digitally?
Previously, if the original inventory of a publication was sold and that publication became designated as out-of-print, it was no longer available. All of our publications have now been scanned, including those out-of-print products.
While the original paper copies for those are no longer available, that content is now available in the scanned format in .pdf or .tif format on CD-ROM.
At the other end of the time spectrum, some of our newer publications were never available in paper format and are only available as digital files.
Why are some publications available even though they are "out-of-print?"
These publications have been scanned and are now available on a CD-ROM or can be printed on a request basis. Other publications are available as both a hardcopy and a scan. Publications that are only available on CD/DVD are availble in .pdf format if it is text and .tif format if it is a map.
Do we have online interactive maps?
Yes. More information can be found here: http://ims.wvgs.wvnet.edu/index.html
How often are new publications produced?
New publications are produced yearly and the database is updated annually.
Why can’t I get a certain publication?
The content of certain publications is out-of-date. The information or data was produced using methodology now deemed outdated and that information is no longer valid. Most of these publications which have been superceded by newer, more up-to-date publications can be found in the database and are referred to in the old publication description.
Some publications are reprinted from academic journals. The articles were written by WVGES staff members and the WVGES acquired a limited number of copies of the articles to sell. Because of copyright restrictions, we cannot copy these articles. The article may still be found in the journal in an academic library.
Where can I find copies of Survey publications to look at?
Many local libraries in the State have copies of many Survey publications. Our publications can also be found in libraries at State colleges and universities and at the Division of Culture and History in Charleston.
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