Trace Elements in West Virginia Coals
In an effort to incorporate as much information as possible into these
pages, all available trace element data have been represented in the statistical
analyses, stratigraphic column presentations and geographic distribution
maps on this web site. The inclusion of some of these data may impart
a bias in the information presented.
Examples where bias may occur include:
The data contain some samples that are not representative of typical
minable West Virginia coals. Analyses on thin, high sulfur and unminable
coals from deep drill cores collected for specific studies have been included
and tend, in some cases, to over represent high sulfur coals and tend to
skew the results. The Elk Lick, Harlem, Brush Creek and Mahoning
are part of this group of inconsequential coals (see
Conemaugh mining production). A few other coals are generally thin
and high in sulfur content due to overlying marine strata (i.e. the Harlem,
and Brush Creek, Williamson, and Matewan). These high sulfur coal samples
are not representative of these coals in areas where they may be commercially
mined in the future.
The inclusion of a single analysis from a coal bed, integrated into
the stratigraphic columns with average coal bed values may, or may not,
result in an anomalous peak in the distribution. Averaging a number
of available analyses for a coal bed tends to smooth out the distributions.
In particular, single samples of the Waynesburg A, Upper Mercer, Sewell
B and Chilton coals, result in anomalous peaks in some trace element distributions.
Additional data are required before conclusions can be drawn concerning
the utility of these coals for various applications. Additionally,
these coals are thin and of low quality and may not be considered typical
of minable coals.
Some coal beds sampled, the Upper Mercer in particular, are highly localized
coals found in one area and are generally represented by a single analysis,
which may not be representative.
Presentation of some of these data on the stratigraphic and the summary
statistics pages may result in outlier values that misrepresent actual
values for these particular coal beds, and should be used with caution.
As more coal samples are collected and analyzed the problems presented
by non-representative coals and single samples will be minimized.
Page created and maintained by:
West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey
Address: Mont Chateau Research Center
Cheat Lake exit off I-68
P.O. Box 879
Morgantown, WV 26507-0879
Telephone: 1-800-WV-GEOLOgy (1-800-984-3656) or 304-594-2331
FAX: 304-594-2575
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday
Permission to reproduce this material is granted if acknowledgment is
given to the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.