Museum of Geology & Natural History:
Crinoids in the Oriskany Fm., located near our entryway
8:00 am - 4:00 pm EST weekdays; closed weekends and holidays.
Please call ahead if you wish to meet with a geologist: (304) 594-2331
Although a state since 1863, West Virginia was actually millions of years in the making. The mineral wealth and natural beauty of West Virginia are the result of geologic processes that began eons ago. These geologic processes produce the rocks, rivers, minerals, and mountains of the Mountain State.
Hannah the
Edmontosaurus, a real dinosaur skeleton
found in North Dakota
the state ''gem'' from the Hillsdale Fm. in the Greenbrier Group, Pocahontas County
The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey's (WVGES) Museum of Geology and Natural History, housed in the lobby of the Survey's office on Cheat Lake near Morgantown, showcases the rich and varied story of West Virginia's geology through rock, mineral, fossil, and natural history displays. In addition to being a repository for all types of geologic specimens, the museum's ongoing collection includes historic books, maps, manuscripts, and artifacts.
Our goal is to provide visitors an opportunity to examine geologic specimens and explore the geologic processes responsible for West Virginia's outstanding scenery and great mineral wealth. We hope to give museum visitors an understanding of how geology makes the Mountain State unique, and inspire visits to West Virginia's scenic treasures time and time again.
Selected Specimens and Museum Highlights
The State Fossil Megalonyx jeffersonii (replica)
WVGES Museum Displays Elsewhere in the State
Museum visitors interactively create a topographic map in the augmented-reality sand box.
Dinosaur remains are not found in West Virginia rocks; however, the Museum has several dinosaur
replicas on display.
Page last revised June 6, 2022.
Please send web site questions, comments, or suggestions to
WV Geological & Economic Survey
1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
Phone: (304) 594-2331
Fax: (304) 594-2575