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Cooperative Programs at the Survey
Recent Activity
- The Survey calculates remaining Appalachian coal resources available for
extraction; documents the location of underground and surface mining
activity; collects, prepares, and analyzes coal-bed samples and
develops information about the chemical characteristics and properties
of coal in West Virginia.
- National Coal Resources Data System, a cooperative project with
the USGS Branch of Coal Resources, develops point-source information
characterizing West Virginia coals.
- Coal resources studies by 7.5' quadrangles include the
development of GIS-based structure contour, outcrop, and overburden
layers of data and a thickness model for each target coal bed;
restrictions to mining reconsidered and original, mined, remaining,
restricted, and available resource tonnages for each target coal bed
are determined.
- Surface and underground mine locations, and other related
information, are compiled.
- A computerized coal quality database has been developed,
providing information on the chemical and physical properties of
various coals at various locations around the State.
- -
The Survey conducts applied research related to the efficient recovery of State
oil and gas resources, focusing on future potential; develops and
maintains a collection of basic oil and gas well data in computerized
and paper form; maintains well-log and core/sample libraries for public
access; examines and analyzes production and geologic characteristics
of West Virginia oil fields with respect to enhancing oil recovery
- The Atlas of Major Appalachian Gas Plays is a
cooperative project that involved the preparation of text,
illustrations, and a summary database describing more than 30 plays in the
seven Appalachian basin states; the publication was made available in
- A computerized database on more than 100,000 oil and gas wells,
along with a publicly-available well log library and core and sample
library, are maintained.
- Applied research has included county-based studies of oil and
gas resources and studies of individual major reservoirs (such as
the Devonian shales and the Big Injun sand); recent studies of oil
fields has been geared toward secondary and tertiary oil recovery
potential in the State.
- Petroleum Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) is a USDOE-sponsored
cooperative project to provide small independent operators with
awareness of technology, services, and products available to assist
them in recovering oil and gas more efficiently and effectively.
- Industrial Minerals - This program determines the
quality, quantity, location, production, and producers of non-fuel
economic minerals in the State. Generates the Mineral Industries
Directory, a biennial publication in both hard copy and digital
form, providing information on all mineral production operations in
the State.
- Geologic Mapping - This program creates new,
detailed geologic maps used for resource assessment, environmental
studies, and land use determinations. Geologic maps have been
produced for approximately 40 quadrangles in the eastern panhandle--work
is continuing; STATEMAP cooperative mapping project is underway,
at a scale of 1:24,000.
- Advanced Geoscience Research -
This research develops new mathematical and statistical methods for analysis of
geologic data. Research sponsored by the US Dept. of Agriculture
- Forest Service is using spatial statistics is being applied to
studies of gypsy moth infestation and eradication in the State;
models developed can also be applied to mineral resource exploration.
- - This program conducts earth
science training and leadership workshops for K-12 teachers and
provides previously-trained teachers with professional outreach
opportunities; presents students and teachers with in-classroom earth
science activities/lessons through classroom visits and field trips
instruction; develops relevant and curriculum-useful earth science
activity texts, manuals, and guidebooks. A wealth of informations and tools for teachers are included on our Geoscience Education page.
- - This program provides,
maintains, and enhances computing, networking, and communications
resources for agency programs; provides programming support for the
agency's research, information transfer, service, and administrative
operations; provides for cost-efficient access for external users to
certain geologic data and information services.
- Specialized computer programming and consultation support are
provided for staff projects.
- Network and system throughput are maintained for staff to
communicate with internal and external computer systems.
- Fee-based public access to the oil and gas well database is
being developed.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -
The Survey serves as the fiscal agent in the collaborative effort with the other
Mineral Lands Mapping Project participants; supports the
characterization of the mineral parcels by the WV Dept. of Tax and
Revenue, the development of digital line graphs by the WVU Dept. of
Geology and Geography, the mission of the State GIS coordinator, and
WVU's Statewide GIS Technical Center; maps the economic coal beds of
the State in GIS format.
- Coal Bed Mapping Project - A GIS-based inventory of coal in
West Virginia is being created: new and existing data will be
consolidated into a computer database for each 7.5' quad; GIS
technology will be utilized to generate structure contour, outcrop,
surface and underground mined area, and modelled thickness maps for
each coalbed and quadrangle; GIS coal bed data layers will be serve
as a compliance tool for the mineral lands tax program of the State
Department of Tax and Revenue.
- Other related projects in this program include those of the WV
State GIS Coordinator, the Mineral Lands Mapping Project of the WV
Dept. of Tax & Revenue, the Digital Line Graph Development Project
of the WVU Department of Geology and Geography, and the WVU GIS Technical
- Public Service - The Survey provides responses to
requests for earth science information; presents informational talks,
exhibits, guest lectures, and similar public education efforts;
promotes the agency's products and services to the public through
participation in various public activities.
- Requests from the public for geological information are
routinely completed, especially for evaluation of mineral resources
as they relate to property taxes and from home buyers needing
information on the potential of mine subsidence on their property.
- Presentations on West Virginia geology are routinely made to
civic groups, classrooms, and at state parks.
- - This program provides
management and administrative support for the agency; formulates agency
personnel and administrative policies; maintains budgeting and control
of the cash flows of the agency's various funds; provides maintenance,
security, and custodial support for all agency facilities and
operations; provides publication support for agency programs and
dissemination of results of agency geoscience investigations.
- Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) -
The Survey maintains the State's ESIC as a comprehensive repository of maps and
aerial photography.
- ESIC provides information on aerial photography,
flood-prone area maps, and other cartographic information.
- Recent and On-going Research -
As an information dissemination agency, the West Virginia Geological
and Economic Survey can only be as good as the scientific information
it gathers and interprets. Geologic research, field investigation,
analysis, and data collection are keys to the Survey's expertise. At
any given time, the agency is involved in a variety of projects aimed
at gathering and making available definitive geologic information for
West Virginia. Here are recent samplings of scientific research and reports from cooperative research.
- Recent and On-going Service and Outreach -
Equal in importance to the research function of the West Virginia
Geological and Economic Survey are extensive public service and
outreach efforts aimed at getting the agency's expertise to as many
West Virginians as possible in a useful, informative, and
cost-effective manner. From answering service requests, to conducting
classroom presentations, to offering a huge variety of maps and
publications, the many service and outreach activities assist and
inform West Virginians daily. Other forms of outreach include:
- Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) - Part
of a national network providing public access to geographical and
geological information, the Survey's popular ESIC office maintains
extensive collections of aerial photos, topographic maps, flood-prone
area maps, geodetic control information, and much more. Used by a
wide variety of individuals and organizations, ESIC materials are
available for examination or copying.
- Visiting Geologists Program - In conjunction
with the Division of Parks and Tourism, this program provides Survey
geologists to State parks as guest speakers and tour leaders for
interpretive walks.
- Outreach Presentations - The Survey conducts an
extensive and on-going program of talks, exhibits, and classes for
schools, colleges, civic groups, professional organizations,
government agencies, and public events.
- Service Section - The Service Section responds
annually to hundreds of requests for information from the public,
industry, government, and academia by phone, letter, and visit. The
Section also houses the Publication Sales office, selling the wide
variety of Survey maps, reports, bulletins, and open-file reports by
mailorder or in person.
Page last revised June 22, 2017.
Please send web site questions, comments, or suggestions to

WV Geological & Economic Survey
1 Mont Chateau Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
Phone: (304) 594-2331
Fax: (304) 594-2575