Publication Type | Code | Description |
Annual Report | AR | Describes the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey's activities, new publications, staffing, and funding for the year. Order by "AR" and year?for example, the 1984 Annual Report is AR-84. See Order Form for availability |
Archeology Reprints | RE-AR | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Copies available while supplies last. |
Basic Data Reports | BDR | Prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey and published cooperatively by the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. Each consists of computer-printed tables and a detailed map of the basin showing data-collection sites. See also the companion series, RBB River Basin Bulletins and series X-WVDNR, Hydrologic Ground Water Atlases published by the WV-DEP Division of Water and Waste Management. All three companion series are now conveniently packaged together on CD-ROM by River Basin in the Collections section of this catalog. (See index map on back cover of Catalog for locations of basins and related publication and Collection numbers.) |
Bulletins | B | These are soft-cover pamphlets with a confined scope, like an oil and gas or groundwater report on a specific county or other small area. Intended to be a compilation and summary of known information on a particular topic. |
Circulars | C | Reports written by Survey staff detailing different techniques and topics related to geology. |
Coal Geology Bulletins | CGB | Compilations of papers presented at different Coal Symposiums as well as general reports on coal in West Virginia. |
Coal Reprints | RE-CL | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Available while copies last. |
Collections | COLL | Compilations of previously released publications centered around a specific geographical area or geological topic. These are NOT new publications, they are sets of similar publications scanned and packaged together on CD-ROM. The contents included in each Collection are listed here, please see individual publication descriptions for more details on each component. The individual publications (in printed or scanned format) are still available separately for purchase, unless noted otherwise. See Price List for details. |
County Geologic Reports and Maps | CGR | Note: most are out-of-print. All are available now digitally archived on CD-ROM in .tif and Adobe Acrobat .pdf format
Each report describes the geology, physiography, and history of the area, and contains, where applicable, measured sections, coal analyses, oil-and-gas well records, data on clays, road materials, building stone, water power, forests, soils, and paleontology. The reports are accompanied by geologic, topographic, and, in some cases, soil maps, all at a scale of 1:62,500 (about 1 inch to 1 mile). For some counties, extra topographic and geologic maps are available, as indicated. All maps are available as scanned images on CD-ROM in .tif format, or as full-size, plotted color copies either folded or rolled. All Reports are available scanned in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format on CD-ROM, or as printed bound photocopies. Original County Geologic Reports are out-of-print except as noted below.
Digital Data Series | DDS | Formerly “Computer Data Series”. Selected pre-packaged geologic data, used in the production of Survey publications, are available on computer-processible media. The data format consists of ASCII files that can be provided on CD-ROM. For further information on the datasets in this series, and availability, prices, and ordering instructions, directly contact the Information Services Section, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, 1 Mont Chateau Road, Morgantown, WV 26508; phone (304)594-2331; FAX (304)594-2575. (DDS datasets cannot be ordered using the catalog Order Form.) |
Educational | ED | Additional educational items, such as videos and mineral/fossil kits, are available from the I.C. White Memorial Symposia Fund, Ltd. See the X-ICW section of the catalog for listings and ordering information.
Environmental Geology Bulletins | EGB | Reports on different aspects of Environmental Geology in West Virginia, including groundwater hydrology, landslide prone areas and land use. |
Environmental Geology Reprints | RE-EV | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Copies available while supplies last. |
Field Trip Guides | FTG | Detailed logs of field trips from around West Virginia, especially related to professional society conference meetings or symposia held in the State. |
Geotechnology Reprints | RE-GT | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Copies available while supplies last. |
I.C. White Memorial Symposia Fund, LTD. | X-ICW | The I.C. White Memorial Symposia Fund, Ltd. is a private, nonprofit West Virginia corporation dedicated solely to scientific and educational endeavors promoting West Virginia's geologic, energy, water, and mineral resources and related environmental concerns through appropriate outreach efforts of the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. The Fund is named in memory of Israel Charles White (1848-1927), world renowned geologist, first State Geologist of West Virginia, and first Director of the Survey. The I.C. White Memorial Symposia Fund, Ltd. is funded wholly from non-state appropriated, private revenue sources generated through its activities |
METC: Preliminary Cross Sections, Middle and Upper Devonian in West Virginia | METC | Prepared in 1980 by J.F. Schwietering, D.W. Neal, and M.E. Dowse under contract to the U.S. Department of Energy, Eastern Gas Shales Project. These cross sections show correlations of well logs. |
Maps | MAP | In addition to the list below, please refer to publication OF8701, Catalog of West Virginia Maps. Most of these maps have been digitally archived/scanned and are additionally available on CD-ROM in .tif format as noted below. Also many of the geologic maps have been digitized for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS), and the ESRI ArcGIS-format shapefiles and georeferenced map images are available for purchase on CD-ROM. GIS package for each map publication, (noted below as “files for GIS”) includes scanned, georeferenced original source material, a detailed metadata document, layer shapefiles for each map may include: geologic contacts, geologic unit polygons, faults, structure/folds, bedding (strike/dip) points, igneous features, cross-section line, and digitized cross-section. ArcGIS layer rendering files and map layout document files are included where available. Maps available in GIS format are noted below in the item descriptions, and are also shown in the index map in the Digital & GIS Data section of this Catalog. Please also call the WVGES to check on updated digital availability of other maps and publications. |
Mineral Briefs | MB | Tabular and graphic summary of mineral and fossil fuel production. Statistics and lists of surface mineral producers and mines in West Virginia. In print until 1987. |
Mineral Resources Series | MRS | Printed in house and are compilations more than research. Restricted to coal, oil and gas and clays. |
Miscellaneous Publications | MISC | We make available a few items that are prepared by other organizations, but are of particular usefulness to West Virginians. |
Mountain State Geology | MSG | Magazine-like publications reporting on research done at the Survey. In print from 1961 to 1991. (Formerly titled "Newsletter of the West Virginia Geological Survey") Now available as a compilation of all 36 issues in Adobe .pdf format on one CD-ROM with interactive search features, quick-links to articles, and more! See item COLL-1 in Collections section of this Catalog. |
Oil and Gas Reprints | RE-OG | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Copies available while supplies last. |
Open-File Reports | OF | Open-file reports are unpublished research products. They may be incomplete, not formally reviewed, and in unpolished form. Open-file reports may be examined at our offices during regular business hours. Gaps exist in report identification numbers because reports are occasionally withdrawn or a final version is published, replacing the Open-file version. Reports are listed chronologically starting with OF791 (first two digits are year of publication, following digits are in series for that year); earlier reports are not in chronological order. Copying policy: 1. Some reports are shown as "not copyable." This means that, due to size, shape, or condition of the original, reproduction by photocopying is not practical. (Some of these reports can be hand-copied, traced, or photographed on our premises by requesters.) 2. A few popular reports are available at prices indicated. 3. The remaining reports are copyable. We encourage requesters to examine reports on our premises. If a copy of a report (or portion) is desired, the requester may make copies on our premises, at the prevailing rate. (This copying privilege includes photocopying on our convenience copier only, under supervision of a Survey employee.) Alternatively, Survey personnel can make the copy, but at a substantially higher rate, and as time is available. 4. Most Open-file reports have been digitally archived and are available on CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat .pdf or in .tif format, as indicated below, as well as printed or plotted copies. Please inquire about digital availability of the others. 5. Copies of Open-file reports are not returnable for credit. |
Paleobotany Reprints | RE-PB | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Copies available while supplies last. |
Reports of Archeological Investigations | RAI | Reports of different archeological finds in West Virginia. (Note: No further numbers are planned in this series, as our agency is no longer involved in archeological activities.) |
Reports of Investigation | RI | Tightly focused research reports intended to make available to the public the results of investigations as early as possible at the lowest cost. |
River Basin Bulletins | RBB | Interpretive reports prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey and published cooperatively by the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. Each is highly illustrated, with many charts, tables, and maps. See also the companion series, BDR, Basic Data Reports, and series X-WVDNR, Hydrologic Ground Water Atlases published by the WV-DEP Division of Water and Waste Management. All three companion series are now conveniently packaged together on CD-ROM by River Basin in the Collections section of this catalog. (See index map on back cover of Catalog for locations of basins and related publication and Collection numbers.) |
State Park Bulletins | SP | Offer a showcase of West Virginia’s diverse geological wonders found in West Virginia State Parks. These bulletins include discussions on stratigraphic, structural and topographic features. Newer Bulletins contain color photos and geologic maps of the park. |
USGS Open-File Low-Sulfur Coal Reports | USGS | Reports outlining the availability of low sulfur coal in select counties throughout West Virginia. |
Volumes | V | Hardcover books with a large scope, such as a report outlining all the aspects of a geological system or of a large regional area. |
Water Reprints | RE-W | Reprints of academic papers by Survey staff. Copies available while supplies last. |
West Virginia Department of Natural Resource, Division of Water Resources | X-WVDNR | Hydrologic ground-water atlases of nine West Virginia river basins are available from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water and Waste Management (formerly known as West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (WVDNR), Division of Water Resources). The full-color atlases are in map form, each approximately 40" x 56". They show the geology as it relates to the hydrologic conditions that exist in each river basin and include a narrative, tables, and inset maps describing water-bearing properties of rocks, ground-water yield, and ground-water quality. Availability and occurrence of ground water are mapped, along with natural and man-induced variations in water quality. See also the companion series, BDR, Basic Data Reports, and series RBB, River Basin Bulletins. All three companion series are now conveniently packaged together on CD-ROM by River Basin in the Collections section of this catalog. See index map on back cover of Catalog for locations of basins and related publication and Collection numbers. |