Trace Elements in West Virginia Coals
Stratigraphic Distribution of Arsenic (As)

The stratigraphic distribution of Arsenic (As) in West Virginia coal
beds indicates that coals of the Conemaugh Group (Upper Pennsylvanian)
exhibit the highest and most variable whole coal arsenic abundances. Most
Middle Pennsylvanian coal beds have low arsenic contents, and coals of
the lower Kanawha Formation display moderate and variable arsenic. The
Harlem, Elk Lick and Mahoning coals of Tucker, Mineral and Grant counties
contained the highest arsenic averages (see
cautionary notes page). These coals have not historically been
mined because of they are thin and not laterally extensive, and as such
are not economically important (see
the historic Conemaugh production). Coals that are being extensively
mined (Pittsburgh and No. 6 Block through Eagle) are low in arsenic.

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Page last revised: March 1, 2002
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