Trace Elements in West Virginia Coals
(Cu) Summary Statistics
The histogram of copper content in all West Virginia coal beds shows
a slightly skewed near-normal distribution with a mean of 20.40 ppm (±
19.79 ppm) on a whole coal basis with a maximum Cu content of 275.4 ppm
in a bench of the No. 5 Block coal. Copper did not correlate with
ash yield, correlated moderately with lead (Pb), and poorly with europium
(Eu), silver (Ag), tellurium (Te), cerium (Ce) and lithium (Li).
Spearman Correlation Coefficients (r) with Copper
Ash Yield
n = 844
n = 841
n = 540
n = 561
n = 113
n = 546
n = 844

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Page last revised: March 2, 2002
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