Appendix 3 Figure Captions.
(Click on thumbnail image for an expanded view.)
Dolomite textures in the Trenton and Black River carbonate
rocks of the Appalachian basin.
(Click on thumbnail image for an expanded view.)
Figure A3-1. Type I planar-p dolomite.
All of the illustrated dolomites are matrix-selective and occur in subtidal
carbonate facies. These dolomites are not associated with fractures, faults,
or rock alteration by hydrothermal basinal brine. They probably formed
through burial dolomitization at a local scale via compaction-driven fluid
A. Planar-p dolomite replacing bioturbated, fossiliferous
pelmicrite. The dolomite crystals are polymodal, ranging in size from
40 to 200 m in diameter. The crystals have planar boundaries and are
porphyrotopic, floating in the limestone matrix they replaced. Most
dolomite crystals are cloudy due to inclusions, and some indistinct
zoning is evident in most crystals. The matrix is peloidal micrite
that we interpret as marine cement. Note the incipient solution seams,
outlined by micron-size pyrite crystals, which impart a somewhat lenticular
habit to the limestone. Some of the planar-p dolomite is partially
dissolved along these seams indicating the dolomite formed before
chemical compaction. Black River Formation, Power Oil Company #9634
well (Sandhill well), Wood County, WV, 9906 ft. |
B. Finely to medium crystalline, polymodal, planar-p
dolomite replacing decimicron-size neomorphic calcite crystals. The dolomite
crystals are cloudy due to abundant inclusions, and predate fractures
in the rock. . Black River Formation, Power Oil Company #9634 well (Sandhill
well), Wood County, WV, 10,162 ft.
C. Polymodal, planar-p dolomite replacing matrix in a
sparse biopelmicrite in the Black River Formation. Outcrop sample from
Union Furnace, Huntingdon County, PA. |
- Figure A3-2. Type I planar-p and planar-e dolomite.
All of the illustrated dolomites are matrix-selective and
occur in subtidal carbonate facies. These dolomites are not associated
with fractures, faults, or rock alteration by hydrothermal basinal brine.
They probably formed through burial dolomitization at a local scale via
compaction-driven fluid flow.
A. Polymodal planar-e dolomite replacing
bioturbated, fossiliferous pelmicrite adjacent to stylolites. The
dolomite crystals are 2 to 100 m in diameter. Note the abundant inclusions
in the dolomite crystals. This planar-e dolomite resembles the planar-p
textures shown in the last three photomicrographs above, but the euhedral
dolomite now forms a mosaic that almost entirely replaces limestone
matrix. Note, however, the planar-p dolomite replacing limestone away
from the solution seam. Chemical compaction might have concentrated
the planar dolomite crystals along the solution seams. Black River
Formation, Power Oil Company #9634 well (Sandhill well), Wood County,
WV, 10,162 ft. |
B. Higher magnification view of the
planar-e dolomite in Figure A3-2 A. Note that some of the dolomite
floats within the insoluble material of the seam, and is partially
dissolved along it too. Dolomitization predates chemical compaction.
C. Laminae of brown planar-e dolomite
interbedded with thicker beds of skeletal limestone (wackestone and
packstone) in the Black River Formation exposed at the Union Furnace
outcrop in central PA. |
D. Thin section photomicrograph of
matrix-selective, polymodal planar-e dolomite replacing micrite in
one of the brown laminae shown previously in Figure A3-2C above. |
- Figure A3-3. Type I planar-e and planar-s dolomites.
A. Thin section photomicrograph of decimicron-
to centimicron-size polymodal, planar-e to planar-s dolomite replacing
peloidal calcite cement in a grainstone. Trenton Formation, Melben
Oil Company Emma McKnight #1 well, Mercer County, PA, 6845.2 ft. This
dolomite is matrix-selective and occurs in a subtidal carbonate ramp
facies. This dolomite is not associated with fractures, faults, or
rock alteration by hydrothermal basinal brine. |
B. Micron- and decimicron-size polymodal
planar-e to planar-s dolomite in laminated peritidal carbonates. 1
and 2 are stromatolites exposed in the basal Black
River Formation at Union Furnace in Huntingdon County, PA in which
the dolomite replaced the original limestone. 3 and
4 show respective core and backscattered electron
SEM photographs of probable peritidal stromatolites in the Ohio #2854
well, Delaware County, Ohio (Trenton Formation, 2901 ft.). These planar
dolomites probably formed through reflux and/or mixing zone dolomitization.
C. A hydrothermal dolomitization
front in the Black River Formation. Polymodal decimicron-size planar-e
dolomite partially replaces pelmicrite. Intercrystalline porosity
in the dolomite is filled by bitumen. This planar dolomite fabric
occurs in a zone near the top of a faulted and fractured subsurface
interval altered by hydrothermal dolomitization. The dolomite formed
through rock alteration by saline basinal brines (the dolomite 18O
= -9 permil, Smith, 2005, personal communication). Black River Formation,
Dominion Exploration and Production Company Bayles #1 well, Bradford
County, PA, 12,425 ft. |
D. Polymodal decimicron- and centimicron-size
planar-e to planar-s dolomite completely replacing pelmicrite. The
apparent intercrystalline porosity is filled with bitumen. This planar
fabric is associated with fracturing, faulting, and hydrothermal dolomitization.
Black River Formation, Dominion Exploration and Production Company
Bayles #1 well, Bradford County, PA, 12,425 ft. |
E. Hydrothermal decimicron- to centimicron-size
polymodal planar-s dolomite. Bitumen fills intercrystalline void space.
Also note the cutting composed of centimicron-size planar-s dolomite
in the upper left corner of the photograph. Black River Formation,
Dominion Exploration and Production Company Bayles #1 well, Bradford
County, PA, 12,425 ft. |
- Figure A3-4. Type I planar-c dolomite.
A. SEM photomicrograph of polymodal
(60 m to 300 m crystals) planar-c dolomite lining and partially filling
a small vug in the Trenton Limestone. Prudential 1A well, Marion County,
OH, 2013.5 ft. |
B. Higher magnification view of planar-c
dolomite shown in Figure A3-4A. This dolomite is in the upper right
corner of the vug. The cross on the crystal just right of the center
of the SEM photo shows the spot of the EDS analysis presented next
in Figure A3-4C. |
C. EDS spectra of the planar-c dolomite
shown in Figure A3-4B. The dolomite is not stoichiometric, having
an excess of Ca (Ca = 17.77%, Mg = 11.50 %), and it is ferroan (Fe
= 3.53 wt.%), indicating formation from saline basinal fluid (see
Allan and Wiggins, 1993). |
D. SEM photomicrograph of polymodal
decimicron- to centimicron-size planar-c dolomite lining a medium
vug in the Trenton Formation. The Fe concentration of this dolomite
is 8.98 wt.%, indicating saline basinal brine as the dolomitizing
fluid. Prudential 1A well, Marion County, OH, 1855 ft. |
- Figure A3-5. Type II planar-s to nonplanar (transitional) dolomites.
A. Planar-s to nonplanar (transitional) dolomite
replacing a peloidal or oolitic limestone. Compare the ghosts of the
peloids or ooids in this dolomite with the peloids (micritized ooids
and grains) in the limestone cutting from the same sample shown in
Figure A3-5B. Black River Formation, Dominion Exploration and Production
Company Bayles #1 well, Bradford County, PA, 12,425 ft. |
B. Peloidal limestone (pelsparite)
cutting from 12,425 ft. in the Bayles #1 well, Bradford County, PA.
The peloids, possibly micritized ooids, are cemented by calcite spar.
Compare with the dolomite in Figure A3-5A. |
C. Polymodal decimicron- to centimicron-size
planar-s to nonplanar-a (transitional) dolomite in the Black River
Formation, CNR Gray #1 well, Steuben County, NY, 7793 ft. |
D. Polymodal decimicron- to centimicron-size
planar-s to nonplanar-a (transitional) dolomite in the Black River
Formation, CNR Gray #1 well, Steuben County, NY, 7793 ft. |
- Figure A3-6. Type II nonplanar-a dolomite textures.
All of the illustrated dolostones show fabric obliteration,
and are fault and fracture-related, hydrothermal, nonplanar dolomites.
A. Unimodal, medium crystalline nonplanar-a dolomite
(Black River Formation, Columbia Natural Resources Gray 24468 well,
Steuben County, NY, 7796 ft.). |
B. Higher magnification view of nonplanar-a
dolomite shown in Figure A3-6A. Note the tightly interlocked crystal
fabric and consequent lack of intercrystalline pore space. |
C. Backscattered SEM photomicrograph
of nonplanar-a dolomite texture. This sample is from the same well
core as those shown in Figure A3-6A and B, but is from a slightly
deeper interval at 7799.9 ft. The predominant medium gray is nonplanar-a
dolomite, which is not stoichiometric (Ca = 23.54 wt.%, Mg = 11.87
wt.%) and is ferroan (Fe = 2.17 wt.%). The white material is a chloride
(Cl = 20.35 wt.%) with notable sodium and potassium (Na = 7.10 wt.%,
K = 6.30 wt.%). The material does not appear in thin sections, probably
due to high solubility in water and loss during preparation of the
slide. It does appear as a dark, reddish, compact and granular mass
in the hand samples of the core. The material might be an admixture
of halite and sylvite, or a precipitate in the core that formed through
evaporation of a residual K-Na-Cl brine. |
D. EDS spectra of the nonplanar-a
dolomite in Figure A3-6C. |
- Figure A3-7. Nonplanar (saddle) dolomite textures.
A. Nonplanar (saddle) dolomite cement partially
filling a small vug in the Trenton Formation (OH 3479, Anderson well,
Hancock Co., OH, 1337.8 ft.). Note the diagnostic spearhead crystal
shape, mottled salt and pepper appearance (due to inclusions), and
sweeping extinction under crossed polars. |
B. Backscattered SEM photomicrograph
of nonplanar (saddle) dolomite cement filling a small vug in the Trenton
Formation. This is the same sample shown in Figure A3-7A. The saddle
dolomite crystals exhibit the same spearhead shape observed in thin
section, and curved crystal faces are easier to see in this three
dimensional view. |
C. High magnification SEM view of
nonplanar (saddle) dolomite filling a small vug in the same Ohio sample
shown in Figure A3-7A and B. The cross on the crystal in the upper
center of the photograph is the spot of the EDS analysis shown in
Figure A3-7D. The saddle dolomite is not stoichiometric, with calcium
excess (Ca = 17.05 wt.%, Mg = 12.68 wt.%), and it is nonferroan (Fe
= 1.01 wt.%). |
D. EDS spectra of nonplanar (saddle)
dolomite shown in Figure A3-7C. |
E. Pore-filling nonplanar (saddle)
dolomite with oil staining in the Trenton Limestone. Note the curved
crystal faces. (OH 2549 core, Wood Co., OH, 1168.25 ft.). |
F. Nonplanar (saddle) dolomite lining
a large vug in the Black River Formation. (Whiteman #1 well, Steuben
Co., NY, 9531 ft.). |
G. Backscattered SEM view of the
same sample shown in Figure A3-7F. Nonplanar (saddle) dolomite cement
lines a large vug. Note the bitumen coatings on some of the dolomite.
H. Nonplanar (saddle) dolomite cement
completely fills a small vug in the same sample shown in Figures A3-7F
and G. |
- Figure A3-8. Limestone replacement textures.
Mimetic and non-mimetic replacement of original crinoid
bioclasts (originally composed of high-magnesium calcite) by planar-s
to nonplanar-a dolomite. All examples from the Trenton Formation, OH 3479,
Anderson well, Hancock Co., OH, 1337.8 ft.
A. Core sample of vuggy crinoid/bryozoan dolograinstone
with mimetically replaced crinoid visible near the top center of the
photograph. A fabric selective intraparticle pore occurs in the crinoid's
central lumen. Vague circular rinds and halos around some mesopores
suggest they are non-mimetically replaced allochems. |
B. Thin section photomicrograph of
a mimetically replaced crinoid in the same sample shown in (1). Planar-s
to nonplanar-a dolomite replaced the original crinoid grain. Note
chert replacing the dolomitized crinoid in the upper left corner of
the fossil. |
- Figure A3-9. Hybrid dolomite fabrics.
A. A small pocket of polymodal, decimicron-sized
planar-s dolomite surrounded by coarser (centimicron- to millimeter-sized)
planar and nonplanar dolomite. Centimicron-sized planar-s to nonplanar-a
dolomite surrounds the finer crystalline planar-s dolomite. Centimicron-sized
planar-e and centimicron- to millimeter-sized saddle dolomite both
partially fill large mesopores and medium vugs. Nonplanar (saddle)
dolomite also mimically replaces a large echinoderm fragment (lower
left) in this former skeletal grainstone. Trenton Formation, Strayer
#1 well, (OH 3478 core), Allen County, OH, 1211.25 ft. |
B. Higher magnification view of the
pocket of decimicron-sized planar-s dolomite shown in Figure A3-9A.
C. Contact between decimicron-sized
planar-s dolomite (right) and centimicron-sized nonplanar (saddle)
dolomite (left). Trenton Formation, Strayer #1 well, (OH 3478 core),
Allen County, OH, 1211.25 ft. |
D. Same thin section photomicrograph
as Figure A3-9C, but with white index card inserted beneath the thin
section. Note the ghosts of the decimicron-sized planar-s dolomite
(identical to the same dolomite texture on the right) within the saddle
dolomite. This suggests that the saddle dolomite is a neomorphic recrystallization
product of the earlier diagenetic planar-s dolomite. |
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