Several prolific petroleum reservoirs are hosted in dolostones
in the Black River Formation in south central New York and north central Pennsylvania.
Equally productive dolostone reservoirs in the Trenton Formation were developed
in northwestern Ohio in the late 1800's and early 1900's and produced that
state's only giant field (Wickstrom and others, 1992). Recent exploration
in Ohio has discovered Trenton and Black River dolostone reservoirs in the
north central and northeastern parts of the state. Similar dolostone reservoirs
in these rocks and their equivalents produce petroleum in Kentucky, Tennessee,
Michigan, Ontario and elsewhere. The petrographic and related petrophysical
characteristics of the dolomite reservoir rocks are of great interest to geologists
and engineers working in this play. It is clear that these petroleum reservoirs
developed in hydrothermal dolomites, that these hydrothermal dolomites formed
in the subsurface during the interaction of hot saline brines with the carbonate
country rock, and that the hydrothermal brines migrated into the rocks they
altered via faults, specifically basement-related faults with some strike-slip
component (Wickstrom and others, 1992; Smith and others, 2005). It also is
clear from petrographic studies that the hydrothermal fluid flux, which generated
the dolomite, both created and destroyed reservoir porosity in these essentially
tight rocks. The porosity and permeability distribution and evolution in the
Black River and Trenton dolostone reservoirs is a direct function of 1) fractures
and 2) variable reaction stoichiometry during limestone replacement and/or
dolomite recrystallization as hydrothermal brines moved through these rocks
via fault-related fractures.
Two basic dolomite textures exist in sedimentary rocks- planar
dolomite and nonplanar dolomite (Woody and others, 1996). Planar dolomite
crystals have straight boundaries, whereas nonplanar dolomite crystals have
curved, lobate, serrated, indistinct, or otherwise irregular boundaries, and
often have undulatory extinction (Sibley and Gregg, 1987, p. 970). Planar
dolomite forms in both near-surface and burial diagenetic environments. Near-surface
diagenetic environments extend to a few hundred meters of depth and are influenced
by local groundwater flow systems; burial environments extend from the near
surface to depths in excess of 3000 m and are influenced by intermediate to
regional groundwater flow systems (Machel, 1999). Nonplanar dolomite develops
at temperatures greater than 50°C in burial environments (Woody and others,
1996). Hydrothermal dolomites represent a special case of dolomitization in
the burial environment where the dolomite formed at a temperature at least
5 to 10°C higher than the temperature of the surrounding strata (Machel,
2004). Geochemical data presented by Smith and others (2005, and in the reports
of this research effort) demonstrate that the reservoir dolomites of the Black
River and Trenton play in the Appalachian basin satisfy this criterion. The
massive, mostly nonplanar hydrothermal dolomites of the Black River and Trenton
reservoirs discussed in this report formed locally around faults in burial
environments (Smith and others, 2005).
For this report we chose to use the dolomite textural classification
of Wright (2001). Wright's classification combines those of Sibley and Gregg
(1997) and Gregg and Sibley (1994) with the recognition of a transitional
texture between planar and nonplanar dolomite. The classification has two
principal categories: 1) crystal size distribution - unimodal or polymodal,
and 2) crystal boundary shape - planar or nonplanar. Planar crystal boundaries
are further subdivided as euhedral (planar-e) or subhedral (planar-s). Planar-c
dolomite is cement that lines or fills pores and planar-p dolomite is porphyrotopic.
Nonplanar dolomite occurs as anhedral dolomite mosaics (nonplanar-a), saddle
dolomite (nonplanar), and porphyrotopic crystals (nonplanar-p). Our complete
textural description includes recognizable grains, matrix, and cement. Allochems
and cements may be unreplaced, partially replaced, or completely replaced.
Replacement may be mimetic or non-mimetic. Figures A3-1 through A3-9 show
some of the various types of dolomite textures we observed in the Trenton
and Black River rocks of the Appalachian basin.
There are two distinct types of dolomite in the Trenton and
Black River rocks of the Appalachian basin- planar and nonplanar dolomites.
The first type of dolomite (TYPE I) consists of micron- to centimicron-size
(usually decimicron-size) planar dolomites. Most of this dolomite is matrix-selective
replacement dolomite, but some planar-p and planar-e dolomites locally replace
allochems too, and we observed a few examples of void filling planar-c dolomite
cement (Figure A3-5). These planar dolomites are pervasively developed in
thin beds of supratidal and intertidal carbonate facies (Figure A3-3B), and
also occur in all subtidal facies throughout the basin as common, but intermittent
lenses, laminae, and very thin beds (
Figure A3-2C). The former planar dolomite
probably formed in peritidal environments through reflux and/or mixing zone
dolomitization; the latter formed on a local scale in buried subtidal sediments
via compaction-driven fluid flow (see Machel, 2004, Figure 19). The planar
dolomite textures also occur as a limestone replacement adjacent to faults;
these crystals are probably hydrothermal (Smith and others, 2005; Harris,
2005), and clearly predate later nonplanar dolomite.
The second type of dolomite (TYPE II) consists of decimicron-
to millimeter-size (usually centimicron-size) transitional and nonplanar dolomites.
Planar-s to nonplanar (transitional) dolomite and nonplanar-a dolomite occur
as an obliterative replacement of limestone (matrix and allochems) and as
neomorphic recrystallization of planar dolomite. Nonplanar (saddle) dolomite
occurs as pore-lining and pore-filling cement. The transitional and nonplanar
dolomites occur only in association with localized, basement-related faulting
and fracturing, and are most likely hydrothermal in origin (see Wickstrom
and others, 1992, Harris, 2005, and Smith and others, 2005).
The iron content of both types of dolomite is highly variable
throughout the basin. Harris (2005) reports that fault-related, relatively
early planar dolomites in central Kentucky are nonferroan, with some iron
zoning evident in the crystals, and that later nonplanar (saddle) type dolomites
are iron-rich. Conversely, in northwestern Ohio, the so-called "cap dolomite"
(texturally a planar type dolomite) at the top of the Trenton Formation there
consists of ferroan decimicron-size planar dolomite (Keith, 1988,) while the
fracture-associated nonplanar dolomites may be ferroan (Budai and Wilson,
1986), slightly ferroan (Taylor and Sibly, 1986), or nonferroan (Haefner and
others, 1988). Other planar dolomites in Ohio (so-called "regional dolomite")
reportedly are nonferroan (Taylor and Sibley, 1986; Keith, 1988). Smith and
others (2005) report ferroan planar and nonplanar type dolomites in the subsurface
of central New York State. Using EDS in conjunction with SEM microscopy, we
measured iron concentrations from 2.17 to 4.26 wt. percent in nonplanar dolomites
from New York. In Ohio samples, we measured iron concentrations from 0 to
1.5 wt. percent in planar dolomites (nonferroan) and 0.28 to 10.92 wt. percent
in nonplanar dolomites. The highest iron concentrations occur in nonplanar
(saddle) dolomite cements that line and fill pores.
Rocks recovered from most of the Trenton and Black River dolostone
reservoirs in the Appalachian basin exhibit a complex combination of planar
and nonplanar crystal textures. It is clear that epigenetic dolomitization
and neomorphic dolomite recrystallization took place in response to exposure
of the rocks to hydrothermal mineralizing fluids, and the resultant textures
overprint both precedent limestone diagenetic fabrics and earlier diagenetic
dolomites textures.
Association with Base-Metal Sulfide Mineralization
The formation of dolomite reservoirs in the Black River and
Trenton Formations was a direct result of massive geochemical and textural
alteration of their precursor carbonate mineralogy and fabric by hydrothermal,
basinal saline brines (Davies, 2000; Gregg, 2004; Smith and others, 2005,
and data generated during this research). These alterations included 1) dolomitization
of limestone and neomorphic recrystallization of planar dolomites, 2) iterative
precipitation of pore-filling nonplanar (saddle) dolomite, calcite, quartz,
sulfates, halides, sulfides, and supergene metal oxides alternating with intervals
of 3) carbonate dissolution. Appendices 3 and 4 and 5 show examples of all
of these alterations. Geochemical evidence for the hydrothermal origin of
these alterations is given elsewhere in this research by Smith, and will be
presented in final form at the conclusion of this project.
This association of hydrothermal dolomitization and base-metal
sulfide mineralization adjacent to faults is directly responsible for reservoir
porosity and permeability in the Trenton and Black River carbonates of the
Appalachian basin. These carbonates were rendered remarkably tight by limestone
diagenesis, particularly marine diagenesis on and just below the sea floor,
and by neomorphism during early burial. Excellent commercial porosity and
permeability developed only where the hot basinal brines invaded the Trenton
or Black River limestones via fault-related fractures. Dolomitization did
more to reduce and destroy porosity, however, than it did to enhance it (Figure
10). Fractured limestones in these formations are productive in West Virginia
and Kentucky, but these fields do not have the same kind of reserves or sustained
production as those developed in dolomite in Ohio, New York, or Pennsylvania.
All of the dolomite fabrics observed in these rocks developed
before significant chemical compaction took place, an observation that constrains
the timing of fracturing and hydrothermal dolomitization. Porosity and Permeability
We use two fundamental porosity classifications in this report. The first
is that of Choquette and Pray (1970), which defines the basic type of porosity
present in a carbonate rock, and then provides an indication of the pore space's
genesis and abundance. In this texturally descriptive scheme, the voids are
fabric selective, not fabric selective, or some combination thereof. The carbonate
components, crystals, or other physical structures in the rock control fabric
selective pores - the voids do not cross the boundaries of these features.
Pores that are not fabric selective do cross the component boundaries and
are larger that the carbonate allochems or crystals that contain them. We
also use the carbonate pore size classification of Luo and Machel (1995),
which relates pore size to the fluid flow characteristics of the reservoir
There are distinctive pore textures in Trenton and Black River
dolograinstones, dolopackstones, dolowackestones, and dolomudstones. In the
productive dolograinstones and dolopackstones of northwestern Ohio, the porosity
development is partially related to depositional texture. This depositional
texture may or may not be readily recognizable to the unaided eye. The reservoir
rocks consist of planar-s to nonplanar-a and saddle dolomite. Macroporosity
is not fabric selective, and consists of small to medium vugs and fractures.
Mesoporosity is fabric selective, and consists of moldic and intercrystalline
voids. Microporosity is both intercrystalline and intracrystalline. Porosity
developed through a combination of fracturing, selective dissolution of allochems
(usually crinoids), and dissolution of both calcite and dolomite. Appendix
5 includes numerous examples of these pore textures.
Dolowackestones and dolomudstones are the most productive reservoirs
in the Trenton and Black River play in the Appalachian basin. The depositional
texture of these rocks is readily recognizable (see Appendix 5). These rocks
consist of planar-s to nonplanar-a dolomites and saddle dolomites. Macroporosity
is not fabric selective, and consists of 1) voids associated with zebra and
breccia fabrics, 2) small to large vugs, and 3) fractures. Mesoporosity is
fabric selective, consisting of intercrystalline and moldic voids. Microporosity
is both intercrystalline and intracrystalline. Porosity developed through
fracturing, associated brecciation, and dissolution of both calcite and dolomite.
Appendix 5 provides several examples of these pore textures. Petrophysical
Considerations The dominance of vuggy porosity in Trenton and Black River
reservoirs, and their association with intercrystalline and fracture voids,
yields a complex pore geometry. The predominance of planar-s to nonplanar
dolomite textures means that we can expect bimodal to intermediate Hg capillary
pressure curves with steep gradients in these rocks, reflecting poorly interconnected
pore networks with large pore to throat size ratios (Woody and others, 1996).
The best reservoirs occur where fractures provide interconnections between
large dissolution voids yielding collapse breccias and adjacent zebra fabrics.
Geologists and engineers should anticipate the fact that the Archie equation
is unreliable for geophysical log evaluation in these and use appropriate
alternate techniques (Asquith, 1985).
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