Appalachian Mountains, West Virginia
Did You Know?
The West Virginia Broadband Map utilizes GIS to develop an easily read map that shows a comprehensive picture of existing broadband service and to identify areas in the state that still do not have that level of service.
GIS Policy Council
The West Virginia GIS Policy Council, created by Executive Order 4-93 and continued under Executive Order 10-10, oversees the development and implementation of West Virginia's GIS Program, in seeking to optimize the benefits of GIS technology for the state into the future. The Council is comprised of executive leaders from state departments, local government, and the GIS professional community. The Office of GIS Coordination, headed by the State GIS Coordinator, and the State GIS Steering Committee provide operational and technical support for the Council.
Contact: Taryn A. Moser, WV State GIS Coordinator (304) 594-2331, tmoser@wvgs.wvnet.edu
Council Members: