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State GIS Steering Committee
The West Virginia State GIS Steering Committee is charged with the development and implementation of the GIS Strategic Plan for the State of West Virginia. The Steering Committee was founded as part of Executive Order 4-93, and was re-activated by the GIS Policy Council in 2008 with a newly formalized membership of GIS representatives from West Virginia state agencies, local government, the academic, federal, and private sectors, and a representative from the West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals.
The State GIS Steering Committee, chaired by the WV GIS Coordinator, works in collaboration with the GIS Policy Council and West Virginia's GIS user community to provide active leadership in enhancing the state's use of geospatial technology.
Contact: Taryn A. Moser, WV State GIS Coordinator (304) 594-2331, tmoser@wvgs.wvnet.edu
Committee Members:
Updated list coming soon