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State Agency Subcommittee
Subcommittee Mission (Draft): To connect state government GIS users with coordinated GIS resources, to create a forum for communication and representation of state government GIS users on issues regarding technology, administration, and policy, and to pro-actively pursue the use and enhancement of GIS technology across state agencies for the benefit and advancement of state government business functions.
While mission goals, business functions, and fields of expertise vary across state agencies and among GIS personnel, the efficient coordination of the GIS knowledge and resource base in state government is important to optimize the use of geospatial technology. Formally linked as a workgroup to the West Virginia Information Technology Council, the State Agency Subcommittee of the GIS Steering Committee is open to all WV state government GIS users, providing a forum and opportunities for communication and collaboration between state agencies as well as a means for state agency GIS users at all levels to be represented on the Steering Committee. The interests and concerns of this subcommittee are formally represented by the the various state government representatives on the State Steering Committee, including the WV GIS Coordinator.